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For Christians who hold theyoung-earth view, being true to God’s word necessitates believing the universe,Earth, and life were all created in six 24-hour days, six to ten thousand yearsago. Many conservative commentators believe that the Bible should be read literally unless demonstrated otherwise. 12 The earth brought forth vegetation: plants yielding seed of every kind, and trees of every kind bearing fruit with the seed in it. When we look carefully at Genesis 1, in Hebrew or even in English, it is clear that God created everything in six literal (24-hour) days. And God commanded that the sun and moon “give light on the earth” — another thing that had already been done on day one. The sun and moon and stars occupy and govern the light and darkness; the fish and birds fill and rule the water and air; the animals fill the land, and humans rule all. Genesis 1: the evolution vs. creation controversy. Genesis 1 does not give scientific facts. On day 6, God created animals, and then humans, both male and female (verses 26-27). Such theories may, in the long run, do faith more harm than good, if they cause people to reject the Bible. Actually, he has given us a lot of evidence to the contrary. The literal view says, Believe it because that is what is written. 27 So God created humankind[e] in his image,    in the image of God he created them;[f]    male and female he created them. Nor were the creative acts of the fourth day for the purpose of separating night from day or giving light on earth. Either this sequence is wrong, or the sequence in Genesis 1 is wrong. 1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. The Bible is not meant to be a scientific textbook. Sun, Moon, and Stars. Then after the sixth day God said He was "finished" creating and making those things (the heavens, the earth, and all their host). 11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. What then is it for? Since Hebrew does not have a past perfect tense, this phrase could mean that God had, at some unspecified time before, made the sun and moon. On day 6, God created animals, and then humans, both male and female (verses 26-27). He asks us to believe that Jesus is the Son of God, the Messiah, and he gives us evidence by resurrecting him from the dead. We have seen that the creation account cannot be interpreted literally all the way through. This is unfortunate, because there shouldn’t be any conflict. However, such questions try to squeeze precision out of an account that wasn’t designed for it. The first chapter of the Bible says that God made heaven and earth and every living thing in six days. It is also possible that some of the described events, especially those in day 4 (which we have already admitted) and in 2:4-7, are out of their original order. The number 7 represents perfection (The Millennium? We can have faith in God and believe facts. Six Days of Creation and the Sabbath. A one-day creation could demonstrate God’s power over all other powers, but we are given a pattern of six days and a day of rest. On day one God creates light, on day two He creates the sky. “God made two great lights,” we are told in verse 16. They think they have to choose between science on one hand and belief in a six-day creation on the other. It is right to allow exploration and to suggest some possible nonliteral explanations. God told Adam what he should do and what he could eat (verses 15-17). God has given us evidence, in the text and in creation, that Genesis 1 is not intended as a literal description. Furthermore, the number 6 represents mankind and rebellion (6,000 years of man's self rule?). Try it free today. Genesis does not tell us. Some parts of the account don’t fit literally, since creation began with light, not with evening. Millions of Years vs. 6,000 Years. ‘Six days of creation’ was created by Hildegard of Bingen in Romanesque style. Verses 6 to 8 inform us that the expanse of the sky was formed by separating water under the expanse from water above the expanse. Did God really create in six ordinary days? Using that pattern, God told the Israelites to take a break from their occupations on the Sabbath, a break from their concerns with created things, so they can remember the Creator. Did he rest in the evening, like he did on the seventh day? Perhaps verse 4 is not intended to be sequentially precise. We can start with day four as an example: On the fourth day, God commanded that there be lights in the sky to separate day and night. Either it exists or it doesn’t. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob: Were They Real People? At least some of the account is poetic (for lack of a better term) rather than precise. V2 (Day 2) And God said ‘Let there be sky and it was so. There is also a schematic arrangement. After creating all animals and creating Adam, “God planted a garden in … Eden” (Genesis 2:8). And he “made all kind of trees grow out of the ground” (verse 9). This implies that God created everything in one day. Did all this happen in one 24-hour day? October 27, 2009 by Felicia Mollohan. Nor is it designed to reveal secrets about primordial history that have no relevance to salvation.

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