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Viewed in its entirety, the Tree of life is actually an image of you—the spiritual eternal you (Middle Pillar) inside your body’s duality (Twin outer Pillars). Deriving from the verb “to be mighty” it was also the logogram for the word “power”. Researcher Gary Osborn, author of The Shining Ones, provides excellent insight into the symbolism of the Crook & Flail: “What has not yet been acknowledged, is that again, the crook and the flail are ‘Duality’ symbols, symbolising the opposite, positive and negative, male and female, yang and yin energies and forces. More precisely, this image—which signifies the word “god” or “godhood” in the Egyptian system of hieroglyphics—symbolized the “godhood” or “god nature” or “higher Self nature” that vivifies and animates every human being. The ankh is also commonly displayed in association with the was staff or djed column. But such mastery does not come easily. The sceptre or staff is one of the most ancient symbols of authority. In this way these two tools help to “mercifully” and “severely” guide the lower animal that is you—your lower animal self. The Was Sceptre was a long straight staff with two prongs at the bottom and a canine head at the top. Look closely at the image below: Can you recognize the long hair and beard? She was native to Bubastis in the Nile River delta but also had an important cult at Memphis. When Osiris absorbed Andjety, he also adopted the Heqa as one of his emblems. The flail, a kind of whip, or ‘fly whip,’ is associated with Summer. The flail had associations with certain sacred animals (such as sacred bulls and hawks) who were often depicted carrying a flail on their backs. There seem to have been two forms of mace or club, the Ames (or Amesh) and the Hedj. Osiris had “mastered” his lower animal self. The Crook (heka) & Flail (nekhekh) were often shown held in the hands of Osiris in various paintings, statues and amulets. The crook is associated with the shepherding of the flock during Winter, and of course images of shepherds holding crooks are often displayed on Christmas greeting cards. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. The words “nobleman” and “official” both included the hieroglyph of a staff, so at an early stage the staff seems to have represented the authority of any person with significant power, not just the pharaoh. Most were generally benevolent but their favor could not be counted on. What do they represent? The Sekhem was closely connected with specific gods – most notably the goddess Sekhmet whose name (“the Powerful One”) was written using the Sekhem. Bastet, also called Bast, ancient Egyptian goddess worshiped in the form of a lioness and later a cat. It is the funerary death mask of the Egyptian pharaoh King Tutankamun (1332-1323 BC) of the 18 th dynasty.. The earliest representation of a pharaoh bearing the Heqa Staff is a statuette of Nynetjer, but arguably the most famous is that held by Tutankhamun in his sarcophagus. Wadjet was also one of the goddesses associated with the Eye of Ra who could be seen as the personification of divine punishment and the protector of Ra in the underworld. The first hieroglyphics were used on buildings and tombs and it is believed that the Egyptians first began developing this system of writing around 3000 BC . It is thought that it was originally a defensive weapon, used in conjunction with a mace, but soon accrued more ceremonial, priestly connotations. The djed is a pillar-like symbol in hieroglyphics representing stability. GODDESS ISIS: Symbol, Meaning, Facts and Images. Here they symbolize mastery over one´s lower “animal” nature. The Pyramid Texts in the pyramid of Unas pairs the Ames with the Lotus scepter to give dominion over the living and dead…, “Sit on the throne of Osiris, your Ames Scepter in your hand, so that you give orders to the living, your Lotus Scepter in your other hand, so that you give orders to those whose seats are hidden (the dead).”. We´ll take a closer look at the Crook & Flail staffs and reveal their true esoteric meaning as tools a spiritual seeker can use to transform his/her lower (animal) self into a servant of his higher (spiritual) Self. The Crook & Flail staffs, here depicted on the coffin of King Tutankhamun, are called “symbols of divine authority” by Egyptologists. Ancient Egyptians believed that Ra created all the animal life on the planet by whispering their secret names. The god also created a set of twins, the primitive beings, called Nummo. Although beards were popular with ancient Egyptian men during the predynastic period, by the early dynastic period it had become fashionable, at least among the noble classes, to shave off all facial hair. The twins were half human and half snake, according to the ethnic group of Mali and Upper Volta called the Dogon. Unbalanced Severity is cruelty and the barrenness of Mind.”. His first book, Written in Stone, is a wide-ranging exploration of hitherto-unknown connections among Freemasons, medieval cathedral builders and the creators of important ancient monuments, in support of his theory that a spiritually advanced mother culture, lost to history, is behind many of the world’s architectural and artistic traditions. It becomes the example of a man who wishes to awaken the eternal within him.”, —Rudolf Steiner, Christianity As Mystical Fact. The flail is held by the right hand connected to the male-related left brain, and the crook is held by the left hand connected to the female-related right brain. Your choices will not impact your visit. They were also held in the hands of the Osirianised dead, telling us they aided / assisted the deceased in accomplishing his / her most important mission in life—becoming “an Osiris”: Left: Images of Osiris holding the Crook & Flail. We do not know whether the owner of this staff was a local chief, or priest, but it is generally agreed that the staff was an emblem of his authority. This Heqa Sceptre was composed of limestone but was in fragments. By extension, this cross became primarily a symbol of life. This symbol represents the Underworld or Land of the Dead. The Tree of Life is a design that can be described as showing the act of “Creation” as it flows downward from the spiritual to material plane in increasing sephiroth or “emanations.” On the way downward, the sephiroth ultimately form a structure reminiscent of the Fall of Man, or, better the Fallen Man. Stone vessels depict Anedjib bearing the mks sceptre, and Djoser is depicted with a similar sceptre on a panel located underneath the Step Pyramid of Djoser. Richard Cassaro © Copyright, All Rights Reserved. The cobra was a significant royal symbol in ancient Egypt. It is represented by the image of an upright cobra in a threatening pose and is believed to have its origins in ‘iaret’, an Egyptian word meaning ‘the risen one’. It was widely believed that Ra was the first being and all other beings were born later or were his progeny. In his capacity as a field investigator, he hosts travel adventures to archaeological sites worldwide. The flail was occasionally carried by priests or high officials, but this practice seems to have been limited to royal jubilee festivals. Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics Alphabet The hieroglyphic system of writing was complex and very labor intensive. Today, a crown, flag, or impressive building are all symbols that you might associate with the leader of a country. It symbolised power or dominion and was associated with the gods, as well as with the pharaoh. Bard, Kathryn (2008) An introduction to the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt, Kemp, Barry J (1991) Ancient Egypt: Anatomy of a Civilisation, Wilkinson, Toby A H (1999) Early Dynastic Egypt. The Pillar of Mercy corresponds to your body’s right side, and the Pillar of Severity to your left side. Visualize yourself for a moment stepping into and becoming the tree. Egypt´s “Crook & Flail” staffs were often depicted in the hands of the Pharaohs. The difference between the lower self and higher Self is described in Buddhism’s Tathagatagarbha Sutra (c. 3rd century AD), which teaches that we all have a “Buddha within” (tathagata), a “perfect soul” or “divine spark.” However, our Buddha nature is covered by layers of vestures (garbha) in the form of bodily passion, anguish, greed, anger, ambition, lust, confusion, and so on. Life’s goal is to rediscover this center pillar—the Osiris nature (i.e., Buddha nature, Christ nature) within you. Actual, very fine examples of both survive from ancient Egypt, as do statues and various wall reliefs, paintings and papyrus with representations of these objects. “Man is a god in the body of an animal according to the pronouncement of ancient philosophy…”. You can learn more about my research into ancient Egyptian symbolism and meaning in my books Written in Stone and The Missing Link: Richard Cassaro’s new book, The Missing Link, explores the meaning, transformations and propagation of the ancient world’s most important religious icon. The Was-Scepter (or Staff) by Jimmy Dun. Uraeus is an important symbol associated with the Gods, Goddesses and Pharaohs of ancient Egypt. Regardie, once a member of a Masonic-like order called “temple of the Golden Dawn,” quotes from the order’s initiation ceremony: “…only in and by the reconciliation of opposing forces is the Pathway made to the true occult knowledge and practical power…”. —Gary Osborn, Even non-royal men were sometimes depicted with a short form of this beard after their death. Early versions of these emblems may have appeared crude and simplistic in form, or functional rather than ceremonial, but as time progressed royal emblems were formed from precious stones and other valuable materials and they were imbued with great cultural significance in this world, and also in the afterlife. The ancient Egyptians were so focused on “becoming an Osiris” in life that when they died they buried themselves in his image. The crook (heka) and the flail or flabellum (nekhakha), are two of the most prominent items in the royal regalia of ancient Egypt. The was staff is a symbol of the power of rulership. However, they seem to have played different roles in the ceremonies, the Kherep being used by dignitaries and the Aba by commanders. Severity is conveyed by the Flail, as the Flail is a severe way to “reprimand” a rebellious animal and force that animal back into line. His articles have appeared in print journals and web media around the globe; and he has delivered well-received lectures about his findings in the UK, Italy, Peru, Egypt, Spain, Mexico, Cyprus, and the U.S. Once you do that, you´ve found your higher Self. This site uses functional cookies and external scripts to improve your experience. He is depicted as a man’s body with the head of a hawk with an ankh and a scepter in his hands. The djed column represents stability and fortitude. The Tyet. The staff soon became associated with pharaonic authority, but there were also forms which were solely associated with specific gods. One needs tremendous discipline to be able to control one´s emotions, feelings, aggressions, appetites, desires, etc. the source-centre of creation. The “crossing” of the two staffs above the chest has various meanings and connotations, but the one most pertinent for our discussion is the act of “combining” their power together (the two instruments are held in the right and left hands in a parallel manner) showing they have equal strength. The Crook & Flail staffs were tools every Egyptian seeker used to transform his/her lower (animal) self into a servant of his higher (spiritual) Self. I also theorized that the two main funerary items placed on the deceased—the “nemes headdress” placed on the head and the “plaited beard” placed on the chin—were props used to transform the outward appearance of the deceased into an image of this “god nature” that exists within each of us, which the Egyptians called Osiris. You might say that his higher Self, or the “god” part of himself, was able to overpower or “master” the lower animal part. But his name was not “Buddha” or “Christ.” It was “Asar” (Osiris in Egyptian), the central figure of the ancient Egyptian religion for thousands of years. In the other hand was the flail or shepherd’s “whip,” a rod with three attached beaded strands. The 20th century mythologist Joseph Campbell wrote: “We are all manifestations of Buddha consciousness, or Christ consciousness, only we don’t know it. Isis, the Egyptian Aset or Eset, one of the most important goddesses of ancient Egypt. We´re told by the esoteric author and Freemason, W.L. The Sekhem Scepter was carried by gods, kings, and high officials. Another early example (this time complete) made from ivory was found in the largest predynastic tomb in the Abydos cemetery (U-j). The crook symbolized the concept of rule, and it serves as the hieroglyph for the Egyptian word “rule, ruler.” However, rather than “ruling” over others, the crook seems to have also conveyed the idea of ruling one´s “lower self” by gently guiding one´s own behavior upward. The sceptre also formed the hieroglyph for the fourth nome of Upper Egypt, whose capital was Thebes (known as Waset by the ancient Egyptians). When deceased, the pharaoh was often depicted as Osiris, and so wore the osiriform beard which was long and narrow with a curl at the end. There was a hierarchy in the priesthood from the high priest (hem-netjer-tepi, 'first servant of god') at the top to the wab priests at the bottom. The characters of the gods were not clearly defined. One of the earliest examples was found in a tomb at Abydos (U-547) dated to the Naqada II period of pre-dynastic Egypt. Occultists will quickly note that the two opposing and yet complementary concepts described here—Mercy (Crook) and Severity (Flail)—play a key role across various occult schools. A cookie which helps me track how many visitors come to my site and what pages they look at. He was largely worshiped in Heliopolis (Greek for city of the sun), which was the cult place in ancient Egypt. Cookies that are necessary to enable my site to function. Austrian philosopher, social reformer, and esoteric author Rudolf Steiner tells us: “Man becomes perfect when he lives as an Osiris…In this way the Osiris myth receives its deeper significance. Present in the ancient Egyptian mythology is the Eye of Ra, shown as the sun disk with two 'uraeus' cobras coiled around it, next to the white and red crowns of Upper and Lower Egypt. An early sceptre carved from wood to resemble a bundle of reeds was recovered from a First Dynasty mastaba in Saqqara. The was-scepter is one of the highly recognizable symbols, or emblems, found in two dimensional representations and in three dimensional objects of ancient Egypt.It is a well known object to most ancient Egypt enthusiasts, though … KA symbol. Some evidence suggests that she hailed from the town Akhmim and is the daughter or niece of a high official named Ay. It represents the process of reception of life It also represented the life force or spiritual … If my theory is correct, then this means that for thousands of years the ancient Egyptians were buried in the image of a bearded man with long hair—identical to the popular image of Christ! In Written in Stone I theorized that this image of a bearded man with long hair is an image of how Osiris looked. In later periods, the bull’s tail fell out of favour, but epithets such as “Strong Bull,” or “Mighty Bull” were retained by many pharaohs. The crook was used by shepherds; the hook of the crook served to hold a runaway sheep. The daughter of Re, the sun god, Bastet was an ancient deity whose ferocious nature was ameliorated after the domestication of the cat around 1500 bce. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. But how exactly did the Egyptians transform their dead into the god Osiris? These two pillars are symmetrical, like your body. The flail was also associated with the ithyphallic deities, in particular Min, and was often depicted hovering above the hand raised above their head. The flail was another popular emblem of pharaonic power. Like the Heqa, the flail was associated with the regal gods such as Andjety and Osiris. Her name is Egyptian and means "a beautiful woman has come." Meaning of the Goddess Isis. It is likely that this emphasised the strength and procreative power of the ruler. To hearten them to the task the Initiatory Colleges have held up a prototype in the person of some great soul who has already trodden the same path and emerged triumphant therefrom. The sceptre or staff is one of the most ancient symbols of authority. The ancestral spirits were immortal, said to have originated from another planet and graciously combined their DNA with animals … Egyptian Staff The Staff of Inheritance. Ra was the most important god in ancient Egypt. It is closely associated with Osiris, god of the underworld and also of fertility, and it has been suggested that the column represents a stylized tree. The Mks (Mekes) Staff was a variant of the standard design of long staff, characterised by a nodule approximately half way down the staff. Enter the Crook & Flail, two instruments directly related to the “Great Work” of spiritual transformation and, more specifically, with “mastery” of the lower animal self. This is how one becomes an Osiris. Summer is related to the Sun and the colour Red, and therefore the male principle, and Winter is related to the Moon and the colour White, and therefore the feminine principle. The Secret Occult Meaning of the “Three Wise Monkeys” Hidden by the Elite, The Occult Secret of the “Skull & Cross Bones” Symbol, Exposing The “Secret Owl Society” Soaring Through History. So symbolically, these two items represent the opposites of Summer and Winter…”. The Crook and the Flail is symbolic the respectable position of kingship – it signified pharaonic dominion over the land of Egypt. By going to their graves in Osirian form, the Egyptians were showing that they had found their higher Self within—what we would today call their “Buddha consciousness” or “Christ consciousness” within. …In Egypt the prototype was Osiris.”. The crook (heka) and flail (nekhakha) were symbols used in ancient Egyptian society. Osiris and Anubis were both gods of the underworld who held the epithet “Great sekhem who dwells in the Thinite nome” and the Sekhem was part of the ritual observed in mortuary cults in the presentation of offerings to the ka of the deceased. Right: The “Osirianised” dead holding the Crook & Flail. Wilmshurst: “…the Mystery-systems have always exhibited an example for the instruction, encouragement and emulation of those prepared to make the attempt and the necessary sacrifice. Some gods were spiteful and had to be placated. It’s interesting to note that the duality of Egypt’s Crook & Flail match the duality of the Mercy & Severity Columns—the twin opposing yet complementary concepts of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, as shown here: The Tree of Life. This beetle was associated with the divine manifestation of the early morning sun, Khepri, whose name was written with the scarab Imagine living so pure you “become” a living Buddha or a living Christ. One of the oldest staffs discovered in Egypt was recovered from a pre-dynastic grave in El Omari Lower Egypt (a neolithic site now absorbed by the suburbs of Cairo). Buddhism’s Tathagatagarbha Sutra (c. 3rd century AD) teaches that we all have a “Buddha within.”. The Mekes Staff was also used in the Great Offering ritual, together with the hedj club and the flail. The total number of distinct hieroglyphs increased over time from several hundred in the Middle Kingdom to several thousand during the Ptolemaic Kingdom.. Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses. They were originally the attributes of the deity Osiris that became insignia of pharaonic authority. 20th Century mystic Israel Regardie, student of occultist Aleister Crowley, wrote: “There are two contending forces and one always uniting them…Unbalanced Mercy is weakness and the fading out of the Will. Which cookies and scripts are used and how they impact your visit is specified on the left. . This fashion spread to the rest of the population as time progressed. . The flail (nekhakha) was a short rod with three beaded strands attached to its top. It was the aim of every follower of Osiris to live exactly like Osiris, to “become” Osiris in every way. …a huge and hideous mistake…”, “…the Christ principle is potentially in every one of us…Christ of the myth became a flesh and blood person identified with Jesus.”. It symbolised the might of the pharaoh, crushing his enemies, and was believed to confer invincibility on the bearer. This doctrine was based on the idea that humans possess two intertwined natures—a human “animal” self and a divine “spiritual” Self. Originally, the wasscepter may have been a fetish associated with the spirit of a sacred animal, or perhaps it was simply a herdsman's staff. His published books Written in Stone (2011), The Missing Link (2016), and Mayan Masonry (2018) offer rare insights into ancient megaliths, spirituality, mythology, magic, symbolism, secret societies, comparative religion and occult archaeology. What do they look like? A rearing cobra, hood flared, ready to strike, was drawn and sculpted as an image called a uraeus, which refers to protection. The shepherd's crook stood for kingship and the flail for the fertility of the land. The pharaoh was often depicted with a Bull’s tail hanging from the back of his kilt. Watch this video I produced, based on research I published in my book Written in Stone: Esoteric schools teach that early Christianity purposely misrepresented the ancient Egyptian teaching of the “inner Osiris,” and that Christianity grew to become a bastardized version of the Egyptian religion. The flail is used to beat animals into submission (SEVERITY). The braided goatee is clearly a beard. Ra is often pictured with a staff. The following is a list of Egyptian hieroglyphs.. It branched out over the course of centuries and it became grouped into different subgenres called by different names, including the Perennial Philosophy, Sacred Science, Alchemy, Hermeticism, and so on. Cassaro, who is a graduate of Pace University in New York City, has examined first-hand the ancient ruins and mystical traditions of Egypt, Mexico, Greece, Italy, Sicily, France, England, India, Peru and Spain; he has lectured on his theories to great acclaim in the United States, Egypt, Italy, Spain and Peru. Mastering these symbols means mastering your lower animal nature to find your true Self in the center (MIDDLE PILLAR / BALANCE).”. Twentieth-century occultism and, later yet, new age … It is thought that the Heqa was originally associated with the god Andjety, who was himself considered to be a ruler. The various royal emblems of the Ancient Egyptians often developed from fairly humble beginnings, but they became a powerful tool for expressing the duties and powers of the pharaoh, both graphically and symbolically. The flail is also used to reap the corn. Richard Cassaro is a Madrid-based author, lecturer, filmmaker, and tour guide from New York City. For this reason, the pharaoh would wear a ceremonial false beard in certain situations to emphasise his god-like qualities. In early Egyptian history, it appears on its own (such as in the depictions of the pharaoh Den at his Sed festival on a label from the First Dynasty) but in later times if was often paired with the Heqa staff (or crook). Later, it became the symbol of the west bank of the Nile, where the sun set and also where the Egyptians traditionally buried their dead. In the Late and Ptolemaic periods large cemeteries of mummified … Instead, we should focus on rediscovering our “spiritual” divine higher Self, which is who we really are. By using these twin instruments of self-control to subdue their lower animal nature, the deceased had “followed in the footsteps” of Osiris (the Egyptian Buddha or Christ) and found their higher Self. Early dynastic kings were sometimes depicted with the Sekhem in their right hand and a censer or a mace in their left, while high officials usually carried the Sekhem on its own. The Heqa was often paired with the flail, indicating that pharaoh was charged with the duty to guide the Egyptian people (represented by the Heqa) and his power to command them (represented by the flail). The ureaus was the image of a rearing cobra which was worn on the brow of the pharaoh, on top of a number of different crowns and headdresses. The flail was a simple agricultural tool used for threshing or beating grain from the ear by hand and it was also a weapon. The eternal you, however, is the Middle Pillar, known as the Pillar of the Soul and the Pillar of Balance. Anubis, the god of the dead, would typically have an ankh at the top of his staff or scepter, to symbolize his power over life and death. the Godhead . It is associated … It was usually made of wood, alabaster, clay, or gold and great pride was taken in being the craftsman who made this sceptre. NOTE: These settings will only apply to the browser and device you are currently using. Its form was clearly ceremonial but probably derived from a shepherd’s whip. A beautiful gold and sard ceremonial sceptre was recovered from the tomb of Khasekhemwy. One of the titles recorded in the tomb of Prince Ramose is “Great Prophet of Heliopolis, unique one of festival, Craftsman of the Ames Scepter.”, Thutmose III claimed that “It was my mace which felled the Asiatics, it was my Ames scepter that struck the Nine Bows” (the traditional enemies of Egypt) and the mace is depicted in numerous “smiting” scenes. The bodily physical part of this Fallen Man is marked by twin Pillars—the Pillar of Severity on one side and the Pillar of Mercy on the other side. Djed Symbol. The most widely used list of hieroglyphs is Gardiner's sign list (1928/9), which includes 763 signs in 26 categories. The spiritual side of this Fallen Man is marked by the center Pillar, which is often called the Pillar of the Soul. The name “Asar” (Osiris) is constituted by three hieroglyphs—one of which is the image of a bearded man with long hair: The name Asar” (Osiris) in Egyptian hieroglyphs features the image of a bearded man with long hair. Owls are associated with death in Egypt. The symbol - an emblem of authority - appeared often in relics, hieroglyphics and art associated with the ancient Egyptian religion. There was also a shorter variant referred to as the Hts (Hetes) staff. Marie Hale/CC-BY 2.0. This Egyptian was from the time of Amunmai Thori II, around two hundred years or so before Moses. Journalist, speaker and author of Written In Stone: Decoding The Secret Masonic Religion Hidden In Gothic Cathedrals And World Architecture. The top of the staff resembles a … Meaning:The wasscepter was a visual representation of the concept of "power" or "dominion." Originally a functional weapon, over time it became primarily symbolic. This indicates that the ureaus was also seen as a protector of the law and punisher of the wicked. The “headdress” is a depiction of long hair; the headdress was tied into a ponytail at the back of the head, as is often done with long hair. Now the reason why they were seen as symbols of power and kingship was because being held in this way, the point where the crook and flail were brought together, and the point where the crook and flail crossed over each other at the heart or centre of the body, symbolised the ‘neutral point’ of balance, a condition that can lead to the rebirth associated with enlightenment and resurrection, and one’s vertical alignment with the ‘heavenly kingdom’ . The meaning of ankh and What Does It Symbolize? “Quit then, this Tomb, O Aspirant, with thine arms crossed upon thy breast, bearing in thy right hand the Crook of Mercy and in thy left the Scourge of Severity, the emblems of those Eternal Forces betwixt which the equilibrium of the Universe dependeth; those forces whose reconciliation is the Key of Life, whose separation is evil and death.”. An ivory comb from the reign of Djet depicts two Was sceptres supporting the outstretched wings of a falcon (representing the heavens). Yet here it doesn´t seem to have been an “outward” weapon used on others, but rather a weapon one might use on their own lower nature to aggressively whip one´s lower self into line. SHEPHERD’S CROOOK Egypt´s metaphysical doctrine taught that humans should not identify primarily with their “physical” animal lower self. The mask is made of 11kg (24p) of solid gold and is inlaid with blue glass, lapis lazuli, and various semiprecious stones. However, its basic teachings on the fundamental physical/spiritual dichotomy of man have always remained the same. The headdress is a depiction of long hair; the headdress was tied into a ponytail at the back of the head, as is often done with long hair. This engraving reveals the staff of inheritance in the left hand. However, another (Ptolemaic) story tells that when Geb reached out to pick up the crown of Ra, so that he could assume the throne following the ascent to heaven of his father Shu, the ureaus attacked and almost killed him because it knew that he had committed a heinous crime by raping his mother Tefnut. Male priests were known as hem-netjer and females as hemet-netjer (servants of the god). Specifically, ancient Egyptians believed that owls protected spirits as they passed from one world to another. Osborn believes these symbols also may record the phenomenon of the Solstices and Equinoxes, whereby the Egyptians were linking the Solstices to the “opposites” / “duality” and the Equinoxes to the “center” / “balance.” Posting the following image, Osborn writes: “In esoteric thought, the crook and flail would also represent the opposites of Summer and Winter in the yearly cycle. This false beard was often made of goat’s hair and was wider at the bottom than the top. . Egypt´s metaphysical doctrine—which was not confined to Egypt, and which I´ve described in my books, articles and lectures as the “Universal Religion of Antiquity,” as it was shared worldwide among the world´s first cultures—was inherited by Western occultists, Hermeticists, alchemists and philosophers during the past two thousand years since the decline of dynastic Egypt.

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