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Besides that, in Hungary the big-endian year-month-day order, has been traditionally used. Currently, the United States does not have a regulated or standard system for coding expiration dates on food, except for those on baby food and infant formula. These can appear anywhere on a package -- and if on the bottom, that placement should be indicated elsewhere on the label. To me, it sounds like you’re saying that this September is one of the 11ths or the 11th instance of a September (or 9 generations after September, Jr.). These conventions have been widely adhered to by German calendar publishers since then. What percentage of the English population can tell you how much they weigh in kilograms? The most significant digits come first, not last! Monday Day, Year is another one that drove me nutz because the only was to sort data was to import it and then separate the date elements, move them to a hierarchal order Year Month day or day month year. yep or longhand as 25 June, 2016, organized from smallest unit to largest unit. We could all be speaking Esperanto, too. I have always used the format as this is what I was taught in school, however, and somewhat bizarrely my father who is fast approaching telegram age uses the mm.dd.yy format and always has done. 04/22/1996 or April 22, 1996Specific formats for the basic components 1. yyyy – Four-digit year, e.g. If they ping you in February for a March renewal you might suspect the date in the mail doesn’t indicate November. Your examples don’t really show anything. The travel industry is the same way everything is day first then month then year. A good amount of items have a European Best Before Date, Day, Month, Year. Also, there are many explanations for this. Just out of curiosity, Methos, how much do you weigh in kilograms? I will grant you though that the American style is only 1/2 logical. We’re not weirdos too. Besides… so much stuff is gets digitized when the original writer never intended it. I’ve never had anyone even comment on it. German grammar rules do not allow for leading zeros in dates at all, and there should always be a space after a dot. *EUR => DD.MM.CCYY Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. There are 2 Greeks in particular that can help you pick an optimal expiration date. And Ragged Clown, please do remember that the old Imperial system really forced you to think. Week numbers are prominently printed in calendars and are widely used in the business world. By the leftmost(first) character of course! Simplest solution would be for us all to stick with the versions that involve logical progresssions, ie day month year or year month day. However, leading zeros were allowed according to machine writing standards if they helped aligning dates. Broadcasting weeks continue to start on Saturdays, two days before the DIN 1355 week. Here are answers to some common questions on this subject. Trying to spend all day converting one to the other will drive you bonkers. This is actually the ISO standard format and adopted by most manufacturers: YYYY/MM/DD 2-3 Years. If you wrote time like you want Americans to write the date, it would ss:mm:hh rather than the standard hh:mm:ss. numeric dates and verbal constructs: Gourmet European chocolate. Official EU documents still tend to use DD.MM.YYYY but one document specifies the use of ISO 8601: "Dates should be formatted by the following format: YYYY-MM-DD." I wouldn’t particularly argue against 2020-12-31, as logical, if only people actually used it. For my checks, I write, as an example, 10 April 2012. We get some products that are imported that require a best by date. Totally agree re Canada – . BTW, for those who use the time analogy, you hav it backwards. I have received a number of negative feedbacks from customers that think they are getting an expired product. This is part of the reason it can be so tricky to read these dates and understand how long your items will actually be good for. Except for Austria, Germany and Switzerland, see the navigation box on the bottom to find individual articles per country. Please explain, Historyfanatic! I’m in the US Military and prefer to write the format at 10APR12 or 10 April 2012. In other words, if the underlying security such as a … In most Post-Soviet states DD.MM.YYYY format is used with dots as separators and with leading zeros. Just the other day I was driving towards a knight who got pissy, veered to my right and lopped off my side mirror. In German-speaking Switzerland, only the 12-hour clock is used in everyday speech[citation needed]. I still think cave-in of CTV to over the border format was NG. So today would be written as 2012.04.10. Consider, for example, reports of three events that occur on January 20, April 15, and December 1 of 2012 (or any other year). Using Different Levels of Formality and Scope Spell out the day, month, and year for highly formal … Bank downloads get frequently miscoded up to 12/12 (or rather 11 Dec and 12 Nov, since 12/12 always comes out right even when it’s in the wrong order). I say 37, no 38. To Quieter Elephant But the weight of people (stones and pounds) and especially newborn babies (pounds) stubbornly remain on the folk measurement scale. The only downside would be that blog posts such as this couldn’t be written and enjoyed. True?). Given that >90% of pre-1900 sword-armed road travellers were right-handed, they passed to the left of each other. I’m glad to give an explanation but I’m sure that people will object! And I am the only one in our family whose birthdate can be misconstrued – the others are lucky enough to be past 12 in the month. I use the format …eg for today…09 IV 2012. standard that the UK has now also adopted, although 999 still works. No one has ever had any problem with that, and to the best of my knowledge computers understand it just fine! VI. The date order on the card was always Day, Month, Year. ” In England, there is but one road to heaven. Unless of course they’re ambidextrous and routinely commute with a .44 Magnum in the glove compartment? There are no other meaningful arguments why one way is better than another except maybe “I’m used to it and I’m too lazy to change my crappy ways”. Thank you. As for Fred, that’s nearly 300 years old and irrelevant. I once asked an English acquaintance and she told me she didn’t know — she only knew how much she weighed in stone. 112 is the European (or is that international?) I came upon this topic after reading a covid-19 research paper referencing 07/02/2020 ….a future date according to my USA way of reading and writing dates. Greeks are mathematical calculations designed to measure the impact of various factors—such as volatility and the time to expiration—on the price behavior of options. And I wondered too if horses prefer to pass each other right to right side, thus on left side of road…in which case if wagons rode that way (for eons) why not cars? I only use purely numerical formats when the reader is not North American. They’re added entirely at the discretion of the actual company. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Although of course a terrible event, it was quite funny that our UK media were miraculously saved from having to work out whether to follow the “9/11″ precedent when the London Underground was bombed in July 2005….. because the date – universally used since to signify the bombings – was in fact 7/7. The Modern Language Association (MLA) format for academic writing in the humanities specifies that dates be given as day month year; today would be 20 September 2014. Quebec does that but two recent items from Feds have used (eg) oct 26, 2012. Sharon Itzchaki, B.A. Hi John – I’ve lived in London for nearly 10 years and would concur with your conclusions (except for the reference to the “Colonies” :)), most of which I noted myself in my own comment. That’s also the ISO standard. Oracle Databases also default to 12-APR-2012, which is kinda interesting for an American country. Also: the 12 April 2012 format is routinely used by American genealogists when they write; I know because my sister happens to be one. Checks? If 25% of the world population EXCLUSIVELY uses year/month/day, which happens to be the ISO standard, then concluding “most of the rest of the world” is a bit misleading. Japan sometimes write H28.1.6 (or slashes) to denote 2016/01/06 because Heisei is their current “era” and the first year of Heisei was in 1989. “In the United Kingdom and, in fact, most of the rest of the world, today’s date would be indicated 9 April 2012…” Making a habit of doing things the right way ALL the time means you will do it the right way when it counts. That we aren’t I don’t take to be a sign of some failing on the part of one nation or another. For left driving UK I’ve heard/read (can’t cite) that if riding a horse and meeting another rider it was good to pass on the left of each other….so in case of attack/need for protection, one’s sword hand was closest to the passerby/antagonist….assuming right handed of course. Sensible! YYYY-MM-DD is always the meaning when year is first (The logic behind this format is to read from most signifficant to least signifficant). ", but "9. By the way, I meant to add that measurement and accounting systems can be very different. A little later, Napoleon consolidated this position by ordering the military to stay on the right side, even when out of the country, so that everyone who met the French army had to concede the way. In the UK the emergency telephone number is 999 or so I thought. I’m so paranoid about forgetting to renew the couple of domain names I care about that I’ve authorized my provider to bill my credit card automatically when they’re due to renew. Thousands of high school and college students are no doubt writing MLA-formatted essays right now. In most Post-Soviet states DD.MM.YYYY format is … There are so many things that our conservative party refuses to consider to change. Sorry but a few countries write in neither month-day-year nor day-month-year. I thought the Queen’s adjectival “concerning” (“the issues raised … are concerning”) had a BrE feel, but it turns o…. In Prussia there are many roads, Each man must find his own way.”. In 1995, also in Germany, the traditional notation was replaced in the DIN 5008 standard, which defines common typographic conventions, with the ISO 8601 notation (e.g., "1991-12-31"), and becoming the prescribed date format in Germany since 1996-05-01. . Over 1/2 of the US can’t tell if a Celsius temperature is hot or cold. European Options differ from American options in the sense that American option holders have the liberty of exercising the option anytime, be it on or before the expiration date. Canada uses day/month/year. There is much more to be said but I’m trying to concentrate on the question! Caesar? Food weights are on the cusp between folk measurements (pounds) and common measurements (kilos). Convert Euro date to US date with formula. But I think that may be based on the precedent of saying “September 11th” rather than “11th September”. I weight 82kg and I am 1.78m tall. Over time, I have come to favour the IBM date format standards used on the iSeries computers where the format code specifies both the order of fields and the delimiter: “Are you going to Dave’s party on July the 8th?” The standard separator in Germany (as laid down in DIN 1355, DIN 5008) was the dot. When writing a date the smallest periods come first (days), then the next most sizeable period included (months) and then the largest (years). The use of a dot as a separator matches the convention of pronouncing the day and the month as an ordinal number, because ordinal numbers are written in German followed by a dot. I will urge others to do so ( especially if it irritates others) Why change it if it ain’t broke? '91"; however, two-digit years are generally deprecated after the Millennium. 2012-09-04 can ONLY mean the fourth of September, 2012. FDA sometimes receives questions from consumers and industry, asking about shelf life and expiration dates for cosmetics. The term controversy may be appropriate insofar as "relativists" often complain about not being able to decode the "absolute" way of telling the time, resulting in missed appointments etc. No other date format presents the files in such a logical order. In the United Kingdom and, in fact, most of the rest of the world, today’s date would be indicated 9 April 2012 or 9/4/12. If your “argument” is correct then why was it that before the French Revolution a number of provinces drove on the other side of the road? Since you’re an academic, Mr. Yagoda, I’m kind of surprised your entry on date formats fails to note that historians who write in English, regardless of nation, have been using the 12 April 2012 format for quite some time. There is an order: some days are a month, some months are a year. When writing number you used the smalles value in the first column *i.e. I made it easier to explain and pt to understand. In UK the date is consistently written DD MM YYYY, sometimes with a comma after the day, but spoken it is often reversed with “the” in the middle, thus July the seventh; More commonly it is known as 7/7 – and is then of course consistent with either convention – to associate with 9/11. The American sequence month/date/year is totally illogical. The ISO standard uses hyphens, not slashes, to separate yyyy-mm-dd. M – Month 3. Putting the most significant digits on the left means that everything will sort correctly. Thanks for the check…. *USA => MM/DD/CCYY, parenthetically, the default if nothing is specified is *ISO, additionally, if the suffix “0” (*ZERO) is added, there are no delimiters, my favoured choice would be *ISO, although many here would prefer *EUR. What Is a European Option? Just realised I read sword hand origin HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It struck me (and my mirror) at the same time that we needed better road rules. Isn’t the main issue here the NUMERIC presentation? One always relates to the next full hour, in other words, it names the fraction of the currently passing hour. Like it’s the 35 minute with 12 seconds at 2 o’clock! In Continental Europe, driving on the right is associated with France and Napoleon Bonaparte. My family were all born in the UK, but my children were largely schooled in BC. Basic components of a calendar date for the most common calendar systems: 1. I think the European form is elegant, and I don’t get any pleasure out of being in an exclusive club with Belize. I gave up and adhere to the month/date/year style. Choice of driving side is entirely arbitrary and a non sequitur. France did not. European commission. Card expiration dates generally come in a two-number format, with the first number representing the month and the second showing the year. My intuition would put the number at 3/4 *at least.*. I NEVER write 04/05/15 for May 4th! I would have to think hard to know what those were was in archaic measures but then I was taught in metric from when I was in my early teens. A recent study carried out by the European Commission, published in February 2018, estimates that up to 10% of the 88 million tonnes of food waste generated annually in the EU are linked to date marking. On a related note, are Brits more, or less, likely to use the less common style of “Month the Day” instead of “the Day of Month” or “Month Day,” at least for important dates? Ouch Graeme! Personally, I love it. Use those. I used to fly to America a lot. I see no reason why gunpowder treason Since portions of the population continued to use the old format, the traditional format was re-introduced as alternative to the standard yyyy-mm-dd format to DIN 5008 in 2001 and DIN ISO 8601 in September 2006 but its usage is restricted to contexts where misinterpretation cannot occur. ( Log Out /  0 0. friskymisty01. Regardless of the fact, that AM/PM is also not my case (24-hour clock rocks) – if it’s 2:35:12 on your watch you don’t write 35:12, 2! Not so re cooking or spelling or grammar, they’re flexible, ditto which side of the road a country opts to drive on. 2012-09-04 is not ambiguous because there are no official standards that say YYYY-DD-MM. I’ve just read this extraordinarily rude and ill-mannered reply. The number of commas in an Indian balance sheet can drive you mad! As with many things, Canada goes with the flow. – November the 5th (Guy Fawkes Day) However, my personal style is to use decimals rather than slashes to separate the year, the month, and the day. So AMERICAN disaster of 911 would be written as 11/9/2001 or 11th September,2011 or even September 11th,2001. If it is a manufacturing date rather than an expiration date, it can vary by company but is either 1 or 2 years usually. I often get the year of my birth wrong, writing the current year by mistake. In 1995 this was changed to the colon in the interest of compatibility with ISO 8601. Yes, there are situations where this will probably never matter, for example dating a letter. … January 1st; ask someone his birthday and he’ll say month-day-year. Took a bit but you learn by error. England (and I do mean England, not Britain) had been a unified country for over 800 years when Napoleon tried to invade. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The month of expiration must be in both official languages or indicated by using specified bilingual symbols. There is only one correct way to write a date, year then month then day. That’s a larf! – September the 11th. Expiration dates for food, medicines, and beauty products aren’t regulated by the USDA or the FDA.

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