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There are numerous … Hasan ibn Hasan's uncle Husayn ibn Ali reportedly offered him to choose either of Husayn's two daughters Sukayna and Fatimah, to be his wife. Hasan, who was too shy to accept, consequently chose Fatimah, as she resembled his grandmother Fatimah al-Zahra. Expedition of Banu Mustaliq. Mu'awiyah then wrote a letter saying that he was making peace with Hasan, who would become caliph after him. Grandson: Qasim ibn Hasan — died at the Battle of Karbala Qasim ibn al-Hasan, supported his uncle Husayn Ibn Ali in fighting off the Umayyad forces during the Battle of Karbala where he was killed in his teens. Whoever has not pledged allegiance by then will have no protection and no pardon. "[11], There was more correspondence with no result, so, as negotiations had stalled, Mu‘awiyah summoned all the commanders of his forces in Ash-Sham, the region that stretches from Syria and southern Anatolia in the north, to Palestine and Transjordan in the south,[33] and began preparations for war. Al-Hasan was brought up under the guidance of his grandfather, the Messenger of Allah (bpuh), along with his noble parents Fâtimah az-Zahrâ' and 'Ali ibn Abi Tâlib (may Allah be pleased with them both). Abdullah ibn Ali, from Layla bint Mas’ud. Since the Sunni concept of the "true caliphate" itself defines it as a "succession of the Prophet in every respect except his prophethood", Madelung further asks, "If God really wanted to indicate that he should not be succeeded by any of his family, why did He not let his grandsons and other kin die like his sons? [f] This is why Muhammad did not nominate a successor, as he wanted to leave the succession to be resolved "by the Muslim Community on the basis of the Qur’anic principle of consultation (Shura)". The life of al-Hasan ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with him), a grandson of the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him), demonstrates that one should give the highest priority to the unity of the Muslim community. [60], The shrine containing Hasan's tomb was destroyed once[clarification needed] in 1925 during the conquest of Medina as part of a general destruction of memorials in cemeteries for religious reasons. I think we should move this for consistency's sake since it seems ibn is the more popular in scholarly, and well, most literature I've seen recently. Zaid ibn Hasan 2. Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib was an early Islamic leader. Additional information Reviews (0) Additional information. Imam Hasan ibn Ali (a.) Age at Martyrdom: 48 Period of Imamate: 9 years Buried:Baqi’, Madinah, Hejaz region of the Arabian Peninsula [o][p][10][19] Madelung and Donaldson further relate other versions of this story, suggesting that Al-Hasan may have been poisoned by another wife, the daughter of Suhayl ibn ‘Amr, or perhaps by one of his servants, citing early historians such as Al-Waqidi and Al-Mada'ini. "[10] According to his grandson, Abdullah ibn Ḥasan, he usually had four free wives, the limit allowed by the law. #List of Names # Bibi FATIMUZ ZAHARA (S.A) #Ya Aabida #Ya Aadila #Ya... Aalia #Ya Aalima #Ya Aamila #Ya Adil #Ya Afzal-ul-Nisa #Ya Ahad-ul-Akbar #Ya Arfiya #Ya Azhra #Ya Aziza #Ya Basita # YaBatina #YaBatool # YaBatool-e-Izra #Ya Bazaat e Mustafa # Buzat-il-Rasool #Ya Daniya # Ya Durra An-noor # Fakhr-e-Hajra # Farwaia # Fasiha # Fateha (Soorah Alhamd of Qur'an) # Fatima-tuz-Zehra … حسن), punim imenom al-Hasan ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib (arap. [34][35] According to Jafri, Muawiyah hoped to either force Hasan to come to terms; or attack the Iraqi forces before they had time to strengthen their location. 1 ★ 0. hatte fünfzehn Kinder: 1. Kelli L. Seybolt Deputy Under Secretary of the Air Force, International Affairs . [10] Both Shia and Sunni Muslims consider Al-Hasan to belong to the Ahl al-Bayt of Muhammad as one of the Ahl al-Kisa ("People of the Cloak") and participants of the Event of Mubahalah. [11][40], According to Jafri, historians like Ya'qubi and Al-Masudi do not mention the terms of the peace treaty at all. The people shouted: "Praise be to God that He has removed him from us; stand up with us against our enemy. Imam al-Hasan al-Askari (a) was brought to Samarra with his father in 233/847 when … "Jesus had no father", said Harun. Hasan Ibn Ali. Major General John R. Gordy II Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of the Air Force, International Affairs 27–28), Hasan had 15 sons and 9 daughters from six wives and three named concubines. Hasan ibn `Ali ibn Abi Ṭalib (Arabic: الحسن بن علي بن أبي طالب ‎) (born Mairch 4, 625 CE (Ramadhān 15t, 3 AH) – died Mairch 9 or 30, 670 CE (Safar 7t or 28t, 50 AH) aged 47) is an important figur in Islam. Shahrbanu has also been referred to with several other names by different writers, such as: Shaharbānawayh, Shahzanān, … "[25], Al-Hasan was one of the guards defending ‘Uthman ibn ‘Affan during his assassination. Muawiyah then sent a letter to Qays offering bribes but Qays replied that he "would never meet him except with a lance between them. Al-Hasan ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib, commonly known as Hasan or Hassan, was the eldest son of Ali and Fatimah, Prophet Muhammed’s daughter. "[10] Believing that the desertion of ‘Ubayd Allah had broken the spirit of his enemy, Mu‘awiyah sent Busr with an armed force to force their surrender. Muawiyah was extremely pleased and fulfilled his promise to him. Hasan ibn Ali "Imam Hassan" redirects here. Surely, I have sought revenge for the blood of Uthman, may God kill his murderers, and have returned the reign to those to whom it belongs in spite of the rancour of some people. In Biographical Summaries of Notable People . For Muawiyah, while recognising the excellence of Muhammad's family, further asserted that he would willingly follow Al-Hasan's request were it not for his own superior experience in governing: "…You are asking me to settle the matter peacefully and surrender, but the situation concerning you and me today is like the one between you [your family] and Abu Bakr after the death of the Prophet … I have a longer period of reign [probably referring to his governorship], and I am more experienced, better in policies, and older in age than you … If you enter into obedience to me now, you will accede to the caliphate after me. The Umayyad governor, Saʿid ibn al-ʿĀṣ, did not interfere, but Marwan swore that he would not permit Al-Hasan to be buried near Muhammad with Abu Bakr and Umar, while Uthman was buried in the Cemetery of Al-Baqi. Mu'awiyah should not be entitled to appoint his successor but that there should be an electoral council (Shura); the people would be safe, wherever they were, with respect to their person, their property and their offspring; Mu'awiyah would not seek any wrong against Hasan secretly or openly, and would not intimidate any of his companions. He is respected by Muslims as the grandson of their prophet. So in the verse, 'Our sons' refers to Al-Hasan and Al-Husayn. "[11] As the news of the riot against Hasan and of his having been wounded arrived, however, both sides abstained from fighting to wait for further news. Check out my Patreon in’sha’allah if you'd like to support the da’wah! Hence he conspired and bribed Ju’adaa bint al Ashash who was Imam Hasan’s wife, with hundred thousand dirhams and a promise that Yazid Ibn Muawiya will marry her. 331-333) notes other traditions suggesting that Hasan ibn Ali had been poisoned by another wife, the daughter of Suhayl ibn Amr, or perhaps by a servant. Seduced by the promise of wealth and power, she poisoned her husband, and then hastened to the court of Muawiyah in Damascus to receive her reward. Thus on Muawiya’s instigation, the wicked woman administered poison to her husband and our gentle, handsome and generous Imam was martyred mercilessly. [11], In his own speech Muawiyah told them that the reason why he had fought them was not to make them pray, fast, perform the pilgrimage, and give alms, considering that they had been already doing those, but to be their Amir (Commander or Leader), and God had bestowed that upon him against their will. [15] For the rest of his life, Hasan lived in Medina, until he died at the age of 45 and was buried in the Jannat al-Baqi cemetery in Medina. Imam Hasan Ibn Ali, also known as Hazrat Hasan Mujtaba (‘a) is bestowed with the honor of being among one of the fourteen infallibles by the grace of Allah (SwT). [m] Stories spread out on this subject and have led to the suggestions that he had 70 or 90 wives in his lifetime,[n] along with a harem of 300 concubines. He was the fourth and the last of the Rashidun Caliphs. For places in Iran, see Imam Hasan, Iran. Al-Hasan admired them and later joined them at An-Nukhayla, where people were coming together in large groups. He communicated secretly with Ju'da, daughter of al-Ash'ath b. Qays- she was the wife of al-Hasan, peace be on him - to urge her to poison him. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] He was the brother of Abdullah al-Aftah . Age at Martyrdom: 48 Hasan Ibn Ali. Many of his contemporaries considered him to be the rightful heir to Muhammad’s position of religious leadership. He is respected by Muslims as the grandson of their prophet. See also Ibn Abi l-Hadld, Shark, XVI, 15; Abu al-Faraj, Maqdtil, 70. Hasan accepted the offer in principle and sent ‘Amr ibn Salima al-Hamdani al-Arhabl and his own brother-in-law Muhammad ibn al-Ash'ath al-Kindi back to Mu'awiyah as his negotiators, along with Muawiyah's envoys. Raised by Muhammad since a tender age, he became his first male follower. "[46], It is related that Hasan spent most of his youth in "making and unmaking marriages", so that "these easy morals gained him the title mitlaq, the divorcer, which involved ‘Ali in serious enmities. 4 ★ 0. On the contrary, some Sunni scholars such as Ibn Jarir al-Tabari, Yahya b. Sa'id and Ibn Hazm believed that Imam al-'Askari (a) did not have any children at all. According to Madelung, however, these reports and descriptions are "for the most part vague, lacking in names, concrete specifics and verifiable detail; they appear to be spun out of the reputation of al-Hasan as a mitlaq, now interpreted as a habitual and prodigious divorcer, some clearly with a defamatory intent." "[61], Grandson of Prophet Muhammad, son of Ali ibn Abi Talib and Fatimah bint Muhammad and second Shia Imam (624-670), "Imam Hassan" redirects here. Hasan ibn _Ali ibn Abi Talib was the grandson of the prophet Muhammad and the second Shi_ite imam. He was buried in Madina, in the Jannat Al-Baqi cemetery. Battle of Uhud: Ali destroyed the standard bearers and when the army of Islam was defeated and most of the Muslims had fled Ali was one of the few Muslims who defended Muhammad. Biography. Accordingly, in the Shi'ite perspective, in the verse of Mubahalah, the phrase "our sons" would refer to Al-Hasan and Al-Husayn, "our women" refers to Fatimah, and "ourselves" refers to ‘Ali. Hassan (born in March 4, 625 CE died in March 9 or 30, 670 CE). V, pp. [j][21][41] According to some sources, he also said "The agreement I made with Hasan is null and void. However, Jafri says, Muawiyah believed that, even if Hasan was defeated and killed, he was still a threat, for another member of the clan of Hashim could simply claim to be his successor. In one of his long letters to Muawiyah in which he summoned him to pledge allegiance to him, Hasan made use of the argument of his father, Ali, which the latter had advanced against Abu Bakr after the death of Muhammad. Ali had said: "If Quraysh could claim the leadership over the Ansar on the grounds that the Prophet belonged to Quraysh, then the members of his family, who were the nearest to him in every respect, were better qualified for the leadership of the community. The band says the name comes from a song they wrote called "Sapphire", but it does not mean anything. He is commonly regarded as the third person to have accepted Islam, after Muhammad's wife Khadija bint Khuwaylid, and Muhammad's cousin Ali ibn Abi Talib. A detailed biography of al-Hasan ibn 'Ali (ra), a role model for youth and adults alike. Muhammad[PBUH] also honoured his grandson by reciting the Adhān in his right ear, the Iqāmahin his left ear, and sacrificed a ram in his name.Hasan ibn Ali and his younger brother, Husayn ibn Ali, are said to have been greatly beloved by their grandfather. Husayn ibn Ali was married to four women, Rubab bint Imra al-Qais with whom he fathered Ali al-Asghar ibn Husayn and Sukayna bint Husayn, Layla bint Abi Murrah al-Thaqafi mother of Ali al-Akbar ibn Husayn, Umm Ishaq bint Talhah, the widow of Hasan ibn Ali, mother of Fatimah bint Husayn. The patronymic name of Sultan ul Faqr 2 nd Imam Hasan of Basra was Abu Mohammad, Abu Saeed, Abu Nasar and also Abu Ali. He is also revered by Shia Muslims as the second Imam. [11] The most comprehensive account, which explains the different ambiguous accounts of other sources, according to Jafri, is given by Ahmad ibn A'tham, which must have taken it from al-Mada'ini. [10][11][16][17][18][19], When Al-Hasan was born in the year 624 CE, Muhammad slaughtered a ram for the poor on the occasion of his birth, and chose the name "Al-Hasan" for him. Not to be confused with Hasan al-Askari, also known as Hasan ibn Ali. al-Ḥasan ibn ʿAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib; Medina, 2. marta 625.. – Medina, 2. aprila 670), najstariji sin Alija i Muhamedove kćerke Fatime, kratkotrajni vladar Iraka i drugi … "[20] Then he sent Abd Allah ibn al-Harith, whose mother, Hind, was Muawiyah's sister, to Muawiyah, instructing him: "Go to your uncle and tell him: If you grant safety to the people I shall pledge allegiance to you." Save record . Among Shia Muslims, Hasan is revered as the second Imam. This page wis last eeditit on 17 Januar 2021, at 13:22. 2 ★ 0. [27][31] However, these letters, which are recorded in Madelung and Jafri's books,[11][32] provided useful arguments concerning the rights of caliphate which would lead to the origin of the Shi‘ah (Arabic: شـيـعـة‎, Party of ‘Ali and the Household of Muhammad). Afterward, Muawiyah gave him a blank paper with his seal at the bottom, inviting Hasan to write on it whatever he desired. He gave an undertaking to her that he would marry her to his son, Yazid, and he sent her a hundred thousand dirhams. Medina-Wikipedia. We grant respite of three nights. Son: Muhsin ibn Ali — died before birth (Shia) or during infancy (Sunni) Son: Hasan ibn Ali — died by poison during the reign of Muawiyah. He was advised not to fight unless attacked, and that he should consult with Qays ibn Sa'd, who was appointed as second in command if he were killed. Question # 288: I read the following on Wikipedia about al-Hasan ibn ‘Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) that he had 70 or 90 wives in his lifetime, and he frequently divorced women. Ḥasan ibn ʿAli ibn Abī Ṭālib (Arabic: الحسن بن علي بن أبي طالب ‎‎‎, 624–670 CE), commonly called Hasan, was the second Shiite Imam, succeeding his father Ali and preceding his younger brother Husayn ibn Ali.He was the elder son of Ali and Muhammad's daughter, Fatimah. Hasan ibn Ali. Ali is revered by Sunni Muslims as the fourth Rightly Guided Caliphs, and as a foremost religious authority on the Qur'an and Fiqh. This was unlikely due to the terms on which Al-Hasan had abdicated to Mu‘awiyah; and considering the big difference in age, Mu‘awiyah would not have hoped that Al-Hasan would naturally die before him. Hasan ibn Ali From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "Imam Hassan" redirects here. Her refusal to allow Hasan to be buried next to his grandfather, despite allowing her father, Abu Bakr, and Umar to be buried there, offended the supporters of Ali. Ubayd Allah accepted and deserted at night to Muawiyah's camp. Ja’da bint Al … You have become a Kafir (Arabic: كـافـر‎, Infidel) like your father before you." [20][10], After the peace treaty with Al-Hasan, Mu‘awiyah set out with his troops to Kufa, where at a public surrender ceremony Hasan rose and reminded the people that he and Al-Husayn were the only grandsons of Muhammad, and that he had surrendered the reign to Mu'awiyah in the best interest of the community: "O people, surely it was God who led you by the first of us and Who has spared you bloodshed by the last of us. [19] Hasan has been quoted as commenting "If Muawiyah was the rightful successor to the Caliphate, he has received it. "[11], Some of the troops, taking this as a sign that Al-Hasan was preparing to give up battle, rebelled against him, and looted his tent, seizing even the prayer rug from underneath him. Many of these children died in their early years. He was born on 15th Ramadan 3 A. H. in Madina. Name: Hasan Title: al-Mujtaba Kunya: Abu Muhammad Father: Ali ibn Abu Talib (Peace be upon him) Mother: Fatimah bint Muhammad (Peace be upon them) Born: 15th Ramadan, 3 AH/624 CE in Madinah, Hejaz region of the Arabian Peninsula Died: 7th Safar, 50 AH/670 CE, after being poisoned by his wife, Ja’da. Dette treet innehoder mye stoff utover rene slektstrefunksjoner,bl.a. [10] ‘Ali had apparently failed to nominate a successor before he died; however, on several occasions, he reportedly expressed his idea that "only the Prophet's Bayt were entitled to rule the Community", and Hasan, whom he had appointed his inheritor, must have been the obvious choice, as he would eventually be chosen by people to be the next caliph. Jaʿda bint al-Ashʿat (Arabic: جعدة بنت الأشعث‎) (Full name:Jaʿda bint al-Ashʿat ibn Qays al-Kindi) was the wife of Imam Hasan Ibn Ali. SKU: SB144 Category: Seerah and Biographies. 5 ★ 0. In Biographical Summaries of Notable People . Al-Kadhim argued that God, in these verses, had ascribed Jesus to descendants of the Prophets, through Mary, saying "similarly, we have been ascribed to the descendants of the Prophet through our mother Fatimah". There he was told to hold Mu‘awiyah until Al-Hasan arrived with the main army. Among Shia Muslims, Hasan is revered as the second Imam. Jaʿda bint al-Ashʿat (Arabic: جعدة بنت الأشعث‎) (Full name:Jaʿda bint al-Ashʿat ibn Qays al-Kindi) was the wife of Imam Hasan Ibn Ali. Muawiyah reneged on his promise to marry her to his son and married her to another man. The life of Hasan (may Allah be pleased with him) sets an example for all Muslims, Ali was one of Muhammad’s greatest supporters and assisted him in various conquests and in the spread of Islam. [25] In response al-Kadhim recited the verses Quran, 6:84 and Quran, 6:85 and then asked "Who is Jesus' father, O Commander of the faithful?". Should he abdicate in favor of Mu‘awiyah, however, such claims would have no weight and Mu‘awiya's position would be guaranteed. Few details about her early life are known. See also Irshad, p. 181; Ithbat al-hudat, vol. Al-Hasan ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib (Arabic: ٱلْحَسَن ٱبْن عَلِيّ ٱبْن أَبِي طَالِب ‎, romanized: Al-Ḥasan ibn Alīy ibn Abī Ṭālib; 1 December 624 – 1 April 670 CE), also spelled Hasan or Hassan, was the older son of Ali and Muhammad's daughter Fatimah, and was the older brother of Husain, as well as the fifth of Rashidun, or "Rightly Guided Caliphs". Shahrbānū was allegedly one of the wives of Husayn ibn Ali, the third Shia Imam and grandson of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, as well as the mother of his successor, Ali ibn Husayn. According to Jafri, he was correct, for ten years later, after the death of Al-Hasan, when the Iraqis turned to his younger brother, Al-Husayn, to support an uprising, Al-Husayn instructed them to wait as long as Mu‘awiyah was alive due to Al-Hasan's peace treaty with him. [10], According to Donaldson[10] there was not a significant difference between the idea of Imamate, or divine right, exemplified by each Imam designating his successor, and other ideas of succession at first. [9] He said he could not marry her to his son for fear she would poison him too. Ali is listed as "Ali ibn Abi Talib", yet, when we come to this name, despite the page being called "Hasan bin Ali", we end up having to have the name bolded as "Hasan ibn Ali ibn Abu Talib". She said: "The apartment is mine; I shall not permit anyone to be buried in it. saveTextPlaceholder. Daughter of Hazrat Ali (A.S): Umm Kulthum bint Ali ; Son of Hazrat Ali (A.S): Muhsin ibn Ali ; Son of Hazrat Ali (A.S): Hasan ibn Ali ; Grandson of Hazrat Ali (A.S): Qasim ibn Hasan, he died at the Battle of Karbala; Grandson of Hazrat Ali (A.S): Meesam ibn Hasan, he died at the Battle of Karbala The following were sons of Hasan ibn Ali: [citation needed] Qasim ibn Hasan, the son of Hasan ibn Ali and grandson of Ali ibn Abu Talib Abdullah ibn Hasan, the son of Umm Walad. [clarification needed][11][37][27][38], While Al-Hasan's vanguard was waiting for his arrival at Maskin, Hasan himself was facing a serious problem at Sabat near Al-Mada'in, where he gave a sermon after morning prayer in which he declared that he prayed to God to be the most sincere of His creation to His creation; that he bore no resentment nor hatred against any Muslim, nor did he want evil and harm to anyone; and that "whatever they hated in community was better than what they loved in schism.

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