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That comes from Ricardo Michaels at Denker Capital. But in terms of the core refinery earnings per share, we did give you indication of how much that we've adjusted core refinery earnings as a result of the losses that we experience on the LCCP. Can you please provide an update of the impact on the cold weather, you've already addressed that. The next factor was also the asset divestment and we currently talked about those and the [Indecipherable] so a little more to do until the end of the calendar year but so far so very good. We're going to ask Brad to answer that please. So we manage it more broadly in terms of that. To the second point, hi Chris, hope you're well, we ultimately had an excellent run in terms of cash with Sasol from the first six months to the point that on the normalized cash stock decreased by 10%. That Doesn't Mean the Bubble Won't Pop. synthetic fuel A generic term applied to any manufactured fuel with the approximate composition and comparable specific energy of a natural fuel. It's also important to mention that after June we do not expect additional contribution of -- the asset divestments will decline significantly as we moved back and certainly into our usual ongoing business portfolio. I also performed as the Business Family Leaders (BFL) for chemical engineering at Sasol Polymers. As we look forward, the pathway to a sustainable balance sheet, allocation and resumption of interim dividends looks increasingly within our grasp. And we expect simply to be even better with the processes. As a result, normalized cash fixed costs were 10% lower against the prior period. Foreign Companies Registered and Reporting with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission December 31, 2003 Geographic Listing by Country of Incorporation Looking forward [Indecipherable] quite positive cash generation which we will seek to [Indecipherable] rights. Thank you, Brad and Fleetwood. In terms of our compliance, note that in terms of clean air, where we have agreed with the multiple environmental phase and have to do with us getting to clinical decisions with our capital projects will be included in that and there is one area that we still need to do more work on that margin -- on those capital instruments have also been incorporated to impact over the batch. Must be local to secunda. Thank you, Paul. Tiffany Sydow -- Vice President, Investor Relations. I think it's safe to say at today's run rates -- and the barrel prices sits at close to a ZAR1,000 a barrel those do change on a daily basis, we plan our planning cases more toward the ZAR700 So we have seen in January that our EBITDA run rate especially in the biochemical also in performance chemicals as well as in the energy business has stayed that point considerably in terms of what we see in October, November, December. Most major petrol station franchisors require new owners to undergo an extensive vetting process and pass exams before they can proceed to the actual building or handover phase. The next theme is around balance sheet management and the decision on the rights issue. So we do believe that longer term our absolute working capital range for the company should be between 30% and 40% and we have seen over the past reported periods how we diligently drive it down to those 14% levels at this point in time. Mastercard is planning to offer support for some cryptocurrencies on its network this year, joining a string of big-ticket firms that have pledged similar support.. I see there are now more questions coming through the platform. Turning now to the key decision criteria for the rights issue that was set out in December, with six main criteria for the decision and the first one obviously was the confidence as in meeting and beating the covenant of three times par at June 2021. So in terms of the plans that come in place, in terms of SEC rules, I'm not obliged to share guidance with you at this point in time. Gas feedstock transition is also progressing with final investment decision approved for the production sharing agreement, license area developments in Mozambique. And the second question goes around cash fixed costs in the second half and into FY 2022. Now a question from at Barclays. The follow-up is you said there is already a plan in place to address the 2022 bond. If that's OK. So we will try and cover two to three questions at a time to make this call more efficient. Can you talk about prices in performance chemicals? Yeah. Since then, they have not … So I think that is part and parcel of our Sasol 2.0 approach and that we will deliver on that as planned. The question is could you please provide some more -- some indication of the exit rate profitability for base chemicals in the energy business. Market data powered by FactSet and Web Financial Group. Thank you, Paul. Thomas that will be a very hard question to answer at this point in time. We have a follow-up question from Stella Cridge at Barclays. At the same time, we at Sasol are working to make sure that we can restore our production following the hurricanes, the freeze impact, et cetera. The second question is, are there any circumstances which would cause Sasol to relook at a rights issue, and are there any significant debt maturities next 12 months to 24 months? Thank you, Paul. program and crisis response plan that was also in the region of just over 500 positions. Companies should disclosure their corporate and social impacts, just like their profits. So we will not change that although. And as Fleetwood said we expect that to take place over the next 7 days to 10 days for some of the plants but maybe more over the 10 days to 14 days for some of the more complex units where we do face challenges trying to get them warmed up and you know assessed for any damages. Read more: Air Liquide finalises deal with Sasol. That's the first question for Paul. Thanks. But as you start to navigate and move beyond that toward December and you look at the condition of the balance sheet and run rates, we can then reconsider that decision. The next set of questions is around the theme of our operational and LCCP. In terms of 2050 I think it will be an important question that you raise Alex. Job requisition no 87387 operating entity: sa ops: Career opportunities: shift and logistics coordinator (fulco) (87389), A well known construction company is looking for a hse practitioner to join their. And Adrian with respect to the assets as for slide 12, I think that you need to see that there are a number of asset reviews that it looked in terms of our focused strategy. Thank you, Fleetwood. And of course we did some further exploration drilling to validate the commercial you know sort of outcome of what we had in the first fuel development plan that actually informed us that the volumes that we targeted in the first development plan were much higher than we could commercially check with the additional wells that we dilled and therefore we have resubmitted the full development plan that now calibrates to the ranges that we've given and which was substantiated with our wells that we drilled, as well as the seismic work that we've done. Altron plans to sell its Altron Document Solutions, Arrow and People Solutions subsidiaries, which it has identified as non-core.. Thank you Paul. In conclusion, we will of course continue to monitor the situation quite closely but at this stage I'm really delighted that we can focus all our attention now delivering Sasol 2.0 and our ambitions with that and focus on our core strategic objectives. Layoffs: Downsizing related discussion, postings, questions and answers. And if I could target that one to Brad please. Show more Show less Engineering and Optimisation Manager SASOL POLYMERS — PP BUSINESS 2008 - 2010 2 years. I mean where we find ourselves now is and we've said over the past many times that our debt maturity needs to be smooth out, we don't have immediate risk on our debt maturity for the next two years. But then also there are a couple other sources such as [Indecipherable] enhancement joint venture, and a Malaysian joint venture of [Indecipherable]. Thanks for the question, Garth. In fact we were able to significantly exceed our earnings free cash flow while achieving this milestone down in December 2020 although we were helped by the translation of the U.S. dollars denominated as a result of the close of -- stronger close of exchange rate. So in fact that let me just remind us of the fact that we haven't taken a decision to achieve [Indecipherable] us in a situation we still need to pay a considerable amount of debt. If there are any further questions, we'll give you a minute or two just to submit them. So anything about 1 and above for us in terms of macro economics for us in terms of better economics will do us quite good in game as to -- those levels indicative of two times and below -- over the two foreseeable future. We also had to contain with operational disruption caused by significant weather events in the US Gulf Coast. I would say that the 23 24 25 period is specifically where our focus will go and do not and will either go to the big markets on regular intervals and then raise data and refinance that or will use our cash flows to do so. So we have to take note that you have to make sure that you understand and get your minds around all the complexities that that brings to the commissioning and start-up phase which I think we have. Thank you, Paul. And that's from Adrian Hammond. And I think -- I think I noted to this as well is right issue which to pay due purpose in the long term sustainability of the business as shareholders do want to see if you want to raise capital what value it will bring and in circumstances where you have investment that you need to show is to invest but can really make a significant difference in the sustainability and returns for a company which probably if you do it under the balance sheet maybe too risky or too onerous. We are currently seeing that there is price expansion in terms of our margin then per se in our mid-cap [Indecipherable] range. And our capital expenditure of ZAR8 billion was 65% lower. I think we between ourselves and [Indecipherable] reach now a point where we have made our final submissions to the DTI that will ultimately by legislation also informed the Competition Commission process and hopefully by the end of March we will be in a position to close all of that draft. If it's too close work on the is taken in period in that address. So these -- these ranges that we give now and the values are what we validated with normal preproduction estimates that we could do on a well drilling and with this seismic interpretation. It doesn't mean that if we have such investment grade that we will see significantly worse borrowing rates. Must have sasol petrochemical exp. Find your next opportunity and apply today!. So we have started to think about it already. Thank you for that. To highlight some of our operational performance, Secunda Synfuels operations production volumes were 1% higher compared to the prior periods and achieved utilization rates above 100% November and December 2020 as those trends reached full operational capacity. And typically the -- acquisition is fortunately we have to see the amounts relating to the case and those have been deposited in our bank account and if you could do that short term debt or receivable as now been signaled by the US government. So most of our covenants are only due to the corporate 3 times negative EBITDA. Date: 05 march 2021redistribution the following vacancies exists: field service technician x6: Gasses company who recently created a subsidiary to own and operate the oxygen assets at the, 1 day + 1 hour ago in Jobomas - Confidencial. So that is really still ongoing process and as we say we come in basically to the end of our focused asset divestment program and we hope that that would be the interning by the end of the year in terms of our normal asset review that we will do as part and parcel of running the ongoing business. That's the immediate focus and it's $6 billion market. So basically on the sustenance capital, obviously this year financial '21 we have provided the guidance our sustenance capital spend will be in the range of $18 million to $20 million which is historically in real terms compared to previous years, but that is because we have optimized the flow stream opening which is in the previous year. Brad is there anything there that you would like to add? Thank you, Ricardo. NOMPU SIZIBA: JSE-listed energy and chemicals company Sasol released half-year results today, February 22, 2021. So ultimately we did talk about cut back. I could ask Paul to answer that please. That's the criteria. Must be registered with sacpcmp. I think all of them are absolutely at play at this point of time. I think the scenarios in which you modeled your cash flows and your balance sheet leveraging and how much you get from your asset disposals will ultimately form that decision. So we may prepare this, and I feel quite comfortable that you know this will make a significant difference in getting out the balance to the $6 billion. Thanks for the question. And it goes around, please -- to please provide further color on the large increase in working capital, higher receivables and lower payables during the period. When we negotiate the -- we had a kind of 5 plus 2 or 5 plus 1 plus 1 scenario and negotiated with the banks, we would ratchet down the 3.9 to a kind of a more level of $2.8 billion and then effectively refinance the facility over the 5 plus 1 plus 1 years which was something new which can only be bank debt or can be in the form of a longer term fixed mature date such as bonds. UL Lafayette Chemical Engineering graduates are doing that every day! I think this guidance needs to caveat a big caveat that buying volatility in the markets I think we are quite nervous about the volatility in pricing and if given prices maybe go down this year obviously it will affect this guidance but this is kind of we think about it. It can be sustainable. I see the availability of the $3.9 billion RCF will be falling in 2022 and 2023, what is the reason for this and what is likely to happen to this facility at the maturity in 2024? So ultimately we've always said that the Natref fuels capex is not part of our gene to gene capital assessment. For the six months ended December 2020, the … Moving to the end of this financial year and maybe slightly longer in the next couple of assets will probably be in the vicinity of another $700 million to $800 million. I think [Indecipherable] a little bit too much for us to share with you on positive on the mark. We are moving with seed to make the chemicals and energy business much more effective by criticality assessing them against the best-in-class and introducing changes where there are opportunities to do so. Good day and a very warm, welcome to our FY 2021 Interim Result Call. We also in December transferred about 400 people out of our US operations into the new LIP joint venture and over the course of the period we also had a normal turnover and we didn't fall vacancies with the advent of our cash conservation program and crisis response plan that was also in the region of just over 500 positions. Pension funds and insurers no longer look for just financial performance from their money managers, but also solid ESG credentials, according … So we are definitely now going to focus on a lot of [Indecipherable] on that. I would like to point out that our results for the six month period ending December 31, 2020 was published on our website earlier this morning. These divestments allowed us to take a very significant step forward in deleveraging our balance sheet. There you can clearly see most of the capital is sustenance capital. Thank you very much everybody for your time and listening to the Q&A this afternoon. Thank you, Paul. Then, on the other hand it is a very, very complex integrated technology array of forms that we also executed there in Lake Charles. So firstly just look at the trend of working capital and as you will see M&A book our working capital thing since 2019 has been round about 14% at the end of this -- at the previous financial year that dropped to 12.5%. The softer market segments at the moment is more in automotive, and I believe that as debt returns we believe also that we will see stronger demand and therefore stronger uptakes in the pricing. Suffice to say that the dilution of our ROMPCO shareholding is for progress. Could you please indicate the length of the offtake agreement, which will apply when you sell the air separation units from [Indecipherable] and to be Farrell Creek? Please could you provide a breakdown of the capex by ESG, carbon capture efforts, maintenance and growth both in this half and over the next two years? Looking at the next six months what can distort the picture a bit is that a lot of the -- what is taken into account in our absolute guidance to the market is the payout of the severance packages and termination packages as a result of Sasol 2.0, so that ultimately from a cash flow perspective will be reflected in the number as well as is the odds that is provided for at the end of the year. We have disclosure in our Analyst Book. And so we continue to develop our relationship with them. Thank you, Paul. The first question what are the required conditions to reinstate the dividend. That's from Henri Patricot at UBS. And are you seeing higher prices for your products? But based on our planning that's what we believe we should be focusing on that and basically is part of our base case planning to include that. I first of all need to just put in perspective what's the movement in numbers so we transferred about 1,000 employees out of our base chemicals to our in-house joint venture in the last calendar year. Reference number: 87241 bu name: ube: mining geographical area. Our North American operations achieved 5% higher production volumes for the period with the ramp up of new assets unfortunately constrained by hurricane Laura and Delta. In the broadest definition, a liquid fuel that is not derived from natural occurring crude oil is a synthetic fuel. Thank you, Paul. But we have however, the majority of the costs that we will be able to deliver is not necessarily on labor but on many other aspects as for example as we said how we procure, how we go about to run our normal operations and maintenance and how we do that more efficiently and many other aspects compared to just on focusing on the job number. And when we announce any the issuance or refinancing or we decide actually just to use our cash flows to pay both we'll update the market and we do so from time to time, and the board obviously has approved our refinancing and debt maturity profile strategy and within the confines of that in the ICC rules we will make these three announcements in due course. And with the nature of the extension of the force majeure for alcohols in the US really goes back to the hurricane. But I think we will be going in the way that we will be quite frugal about where we spend our money. So in our capital allocation sequence I did explain to you that all the sustain capital dividends to income. We’re motley! So I think monthly couple of weeks still, but yes, we want to keep close this sometime back, but unfortunately a lot of hold up on their side, nothing to be concerned about that though. Meanwhile, researchers have started doing it for them. The second question with the faster than expected recovery in the balance sheet could you consider accelerating some of the initiatives required to achieve Sasol of the future thinking of things like dividend IG credit rating and value accretive investments that comes from Wade Napier at Avior. In future what our thinking is about capital allocation. Thank you, Brad. So our current run rate indicate a very strong EBITDA performance in the next couple of months as a contribution of Sasol 2.0 as well as the contribution of better macroeconomics, so that the signal will be better as long as this continue. The second question is around how should we think about the timeline to LCCP reaching steady state EBITDA? We're very excited about our collaboration with But in the next foreseeable future, unless something significantly until what happens on the macroeconomic front, we don't see a scenario where we will return to shareholders to raise capital, just to suspend our business. Hi, Henri. And as we know the [Indecipherable], which I will speak to just now we probably make up the largest share of, but then we also have a couple of other smaller assets such as CTRG our new dock properties the Gabon asset that falls in that group. I think we would announce those as and when appropriate and once we've reached that point to share more details. So in the second part of your question you referred to the point around how long does it extend the plateau of production for. And that will take us to $2.7 billion -- $2.8 billion in total. Yeah. So at some point the reinvestment in our future in terms of a growth projects will be -- will be quite important. And that's what we've built into our modeling and obviously it's tax deductible so after-tax number ZAR700 million on an annualized basis. How will these be managed from Peter Kornberg. We have said that that's the range in which we anticipate to execute our capital portfolio into 2022 I think for now we have to work on that. But toward the end of the year when we figure out you know rather give you a better of where the actual numbers are going to be in a $45 barrel at Sasol 2.0. And then if I could ask you to shed some light, what is the cost? Sasol aims to use more power from clean energy and eventually switch to natural gas in the 2030s then ultimately hydrogen. Introduction to the model – SSCC. Thank you Paul. And you can't go out and -- then of course one can discuss that with shareholders. So since 2017 with the largest focus in financial 2021 we sold close to $3 billion of assets. The next question from Gerhard Engelbrecht with Chronux Research. Yes. Could it be rolled over? I'm going to ask that Brad just comment on the more essential key part of the business. I think we far down the road with the ROMPCO asset in terms of our dilution of shareholding and so I think we are definitely not going to now retrack on the process that we have followed with diligence. At this point in time we are not going to give you specific guidance on the LCCP data cycle for the second half, but that is taken care I think we have to plan to run the plant at close to nameplate capacity on the PE side as well as ramping up the ZAC units and we do anticipate that those -- the trajectories toward a run rate of at least $30 million per month and at current stock prices should be achievable in the next couple of months. And certainly if I can just step back and see the loss benefit question that is then ultimately getting to a value accretive investments. The next question perhaps you can also assist with please. So what we have value accretive investment is GBP74.0 million, very little capital it will be super high but we also know in terms of utilizing further gross margin opportunities, the team has done great work to identify investment opportunities that that small amounts of growth capital with a quick payback and give us a decent cash flows. We are pleased to see that our plans to deliver on our 10% greenhouse gas reduction target for our South African operations by 2030 is progressing well. The first question comes from Golf [Indecipherable] Group. Would you reinstate dividends in June if net debt to EBITDA drops below two times and is there a chance that you could restart dividends before '23, '24 as guided in December that comes from a number of participants on this call Thomas Wrigglesworth at Citi, Adrian Hammond, Vladimir Dorokhov at AIG and [Indecipherable]. That comes from Chris Nicholson. We are a trailblazing collective allowing young people access to the world of STEM, coding and robotics, no matter their background. ET, Fleetwood Grobler -- President and Chief Executive Officer. Can you please unpack the operating losses from LCCP and outcomes from [Indecipherable]. In terms of our carbon taxes so that the carbon tax being introduced we saw roughly the in terms of just slightly over ZAR1 billion of carbon taxes on annualized basis. Or how has capital allocation decisions changed? The JSE-listed technology group has already identified a range of parties that are interested in participating in a sale of these companies, CEO Mteto Nyati said in an investor presentation on Wednesday. And I think what is quite important is that the LCCP complex or the North American complex has reached according to a full assets has now been completed. Together, we will procure 900 megawatts of renewable energy by 2030 in our Secunda complex, significantly increased from Sasol's original 600 megawatt commitment. And there may be -- will be more on the offensive side as on the defensive side, but again as [Indecipherable] on the capital allocation principles actually. If nothing is received, we'll then close the call. So let me take us back to '17 when we announced the asset disposal program since 2017, '18, '19 and '21 we have banked -- meaning cash to the bank in terms of concluded transactions and closed to $2 billion, $3 billion of assets. Yes. I'm today joined by Paul Victor, our Chief Financial Officer and Members of our Group Executive. We received a question on lessons learned from LCCP, I'll read the question. Obviously most notably that the two biggest assets -- was the LCCP disposal which M&A disposal. And the third question is how -- what is the guidance for the LCCP and do you guide in 2021 for the full year? Yeah. I think that the first item that we would like to clarify is that the project and the size of LCCP we've already indicated in 2017 that for such a large project and such a high capex number we would in future really not do that on our own and we will seek the right partnerships to execute that. Thank you, Paul. On Tuesday, GDP figures showed that South Africa's economy … And the second question is, what other assets are for sale as for slide 12 of the presentation?

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