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3. Summoning, proroguing and dissolving Parliament. The office has been seen as a form of political patronage. The Lieutenant Governor’s Suite is located in the Legislative Building at Queen’s Park in Toronto.. Since 1867 there have only been 3 clear cases in which a lieutenant-governor has refused to dissolve the Assembly, although on other occasions the knowledge that a request would be refused forestalled the request. This design had been agreed upon at a Lieutenant Governors’ conference and each province requested in turn that the design be authorized by the Governor General. These include the duty to open, prorogue and dissolve the provincial Assembly; to assent to (or withhold assent from) provincial legislation and orders-in-council; and to give prior approval to money bills. The task of selecting a premier has not always been easy, given the early looseness in party structures. The Honourable Elizabeth Dowdeswell, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario. Aides-de-Camp; Ceremonial Music; Forms of Address; Guidelines for Invitations to the Lieutenant Governor; History. Learn more about the Governor General’s role and responsibilities during these extraordinary times, and how Canadians are coming together in the face of adversity. Seventy Bills have been reserved since 1867, but only 4 in the last half century. The lieutenant-governor also has the responsibility to select the provincial premier and, presumably as a last resort, to dismiss a government. Saywell, J., Lieutenant-Governor (2015). The last Bill to be reserved was in Saskatchewan in 1961, when the lieutenant-governor believed it was of doubtful validity. Meritorious Service Decorations (Civil Division), Public Register of Arms, Flags and Badges of Canada, Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island, Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland & Labrador, Commissioner of the Northwest Territories, Request Birthday and Anniversary Greetings. While in office, the lieutenant governors exercise the following responsibilities: After the British North America Act was adopted in 1867, lieutenant governors acted as a liaison between federal and provincial governments and advised the provincial government on federal legislation. However, the use of the office as a reward for political service seems to be declining, and in 1997 only 5 had held elected office federally or provincially. As the country’s oldest public office, the position dates back more than 400 years, to 1608, when Samuel de Champlain fulfilled duties and responsibilities that would eventually become those of modern-day governors general. He or she is appointed by the Governor General, on the recommendation of the Prime Minister, usually for a period of five years. However, the subject has been warmly debated. Upon taking office, they assume the title “Honourable” for the remainder of their lives. The Constitution Act, 1867, protects the office of lieutenant-governor from any amendment by the provincial government. Although the discretionary powers may be obsolescent, they are not obsolete. Our team will be reviewing your submission and get back to you with any further questions. According to the Table of Titles to be used in Although the cost is modest, there have been frequent suggestions that the office be abolished and that the chief justice perform the routine ceremonial functions. They act as representatives of the Sovereign and normally serve for five years. Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia | The Honourable Arthur J. By the Constitution Act, 1867, (formerly British North America Act), the lieutenant-governor has the power to reserve provincial Bills and is the instrument through which provincial Acts disallowed by Ottawa are proclaimed. The governor general’s personal standard (flag) flies wherever he or she is in residence. The Symbols of the Office of Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia include the Great Seal. Biography; Her Honour, Antoinette Perry's Personal Coat of Arms; Patronage; Roles and Responsibility; Symbols; Protocol. In 1952 in BC and 1971-72 in Newfoundland the existing government had been defeated, but the new government did not have a clear majority and defeat in the Assembly seemed certain. The lieutenant governor of British Columbia (/ l ɛ f ˈ t ɛ n ə n t /) is the viceregal representative of the Canadian monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, in the province of British Columbia, Canada.The office of lieutenant governor is an office of the Crown and serves as a representative of the monarchy in the province, rather than the governor general of Canada. On the advice of his or her prime minister, the Governor General of Canada appoints the lieutenant governors to carry out most of the monarch's constitutional and ceremonial duties for an unfixed period of time —known as serving at Her Excellency's pleasure—though five years is the normal convention. In, Saywell, John T., "Lieutenant-Governor". There is no parking at Queen’s Park. The Governor General and the ten Lieutenant Governors represent the Crown in Canada and act on The Queen's behalf. promote and celebrate excellence through patronage and the presentation of honours. In 1938 the Supreme Court ruled that the power of reservation still existed, but during the constitutional debate of the 1970s there seemed to be unanimous federal-provincial agreement that the provision should be removed from the Constitution. Executive ( Queen-in-Council) … Mitchell Hepburn (Ontario) closed Chorley Park in 1937; William Aberhart (Alberta) closed Government House in 1938 during his conflict with Ottawa (although another residence was purchased in 1967), and the CCF government in Saskatchewan did likewise in 1944. The closest TTC subway stations are Queen’s Park and Museum.The nearest streetcar stop is University Avenue on the 506 Carlton line. But abolitionists have never received much support, even in the depths of the Depression. Territorial commissioners carry out many of the same duties as lieutenant governors but are not representatives of Her Majesty The Queen. However, many provinces have scaled down the expenses of the office and some have closed official residences. Lieutenant Governors are the highest ranking officers of their province and represent Her Majesty The Queen in their jurisdictions. Among the 10 lieutenant-governors in 1987 were 3 who had been federal Cabinet ministers, 3 retired provincial Cabinet ministers, and one former chief justice. Signing up enhances your TCE experience with the ability to save items to your personal reading list, and access the interactive map. Thanks for contributing to The Canadian Encyclopedia. Salma Lakhani is the current … But the principles of provincial autonomy and federal intervention proved to be incompatible. The governor general of Canada (French: la gouverneure générale du Canada) is the federal viceregal representative of the Canadian monarch, currently Queen Elizabeth II.The Queen, as a political sovereign, is shared equally with the 15 other Commonwealth realms and the 10 provinces of Canada, but she physically resides predominantly in her oldest and most populous realm, the United Kingdom. The role of governor general is a key figure in Canada's parliamentary democracy. Lieutenant Governors are appointed by Her Excellency the Right Honourable The question was whether the new government could request and receive a dissolution before the House met (the answer in both instances was negative) or whether a newly defeated government could secure a dissolution rather than resign. Office of the Secretary to the Governor General Rideau Hall 1 Sussex Drive Ottawa ON K1A 0A1 613-993-8200 1-800-465-6890 (toll-free in Canada and the U.S.) TTY: 1-800-465-7735 Staff Directory Rideau Hall (Ottawa) – Guided Tours and Public Programming 613-991-4422 1-866-842-4422 (toll-free in Canada and the U.S.) give Royal Assent to bills passed in the provincial legislatures before they are enacted as laws; ensure that there are active provincial governments at all times; deliver the Speech from the Throne at the opening of a new session of the Legislative Assembly; welcome Royal Family members, foreign heads of State and dignitaries to their respective province; and. Lieutenant-governors are also officers of the federal government: they are appointed and paid by, and are subject to instructions from, Ottawa, and can be dismissed for cause. Dissolution has usually been the result of an uncertain or unstable balance of power within the legislature. Sir John A. Macdonald regarded the lieutenant-governor as one who should serve the Dominion's interests to the greatest possible extent without infringing on the province's right to self-government. However, it was not until the appointment of Pauline McGibbon in Ontario in 1974 that the first woman read the Speech from the Throne in a provincial legislature. John T. Saywell, The Office of Lieutenant-Governor (1986). Canada is a constitutional monarchy, where the duties of head of State and head of government are distinct. The governor general, lieutenant governors and territorial commissioners meet annually to discuss matters of mutual interests and how they can better serve Canadians from coast to coast to coast.

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