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But we are not willing to worry 24 hours a day how to pay the lawyer to defend that last action. Blue, a litigator with 50 years’ experience in the courts, has estimated that there are over 30,000 pages of documents in the case. Petitioners are basing the constitutional challenge mainly on two clauses of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. 365 Bloor Street East, Toronto, Ontario, M4W 3L4. Meanwhile the CDC is trying a scare tactic by telling us that there was a 70% increase of illnesses associated with raw milk – but the risk of getting sick is actually slim. No one has ever been known to get sick from raw milk produced there. I am going to be leaving all the links to the resources at the end of this post. Milk and milk products provide a wealth of nutrition benefits. Knowing that they were perpetually in the limelight and under scrutiny, the farmers focused on quality and sanitation. We are not able to continue this fight unless we know that everyone will do ALL you can to raise legal funds. In this video, that is sure to make your blood boil, Canadian agents threaten peaceful farmers while farm co-owners express their opinions in October of 2015. This battle is going on for me now over 22 years. The Ontario government jumped on the opportunity to keep the case alive, and found judges to overturn the acquittal. Retail sale of raw milk in stores is allowed. In its raw state, however, milk can carry bacteria that can be harmful to humans. Schmidt’s 37-day hunger strike in 2011 culminated in a meeting with then premier Dalton McGuinty, but nothing changed. unpasteurized) milk and milk products through small scale certified herd share programs, or other such suitable arrangements, capable of managing any associated health risks in a responsible and reasonable manner.”. In Canada it is forbidden to use growth hormones and antibiotics for the dairy cows. Raw milk is milk that has not been pasteurized or homogenized. A peaceful protest supporting Michael will be held at the Ontario Court of Justice on March 16. Please donate directly to our legal expenses here. Reported on “The Bovine” blog: “The record turnout of raw milk consumers and supporters at today’s rally — an estimated 250-300 men, women and children — underlines just how unpopular such a move would be with the constituency that would be most affected by the proposed injunctions. They were in good spirits, much more animated and outspoken in demand of their food rights than I’d ever seen before—radicalized might be the description that is beginning to apply. The dairy cartel has a strong influence in the country but, with a fair-minded judge, this is a winnable case. and the Regional Municipality of York, Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit and the Regional Municipality of Peel that prevents 143 individuals and their families that are members of the Our Farm Our Food Cooperative (OFOF) from being able to consume raw milk produced by a herd of dairy cows in which OFOF has 100% ownership–the co-op members have invested $2,000 each to join. Videos: Canada Raw Milk. More on that later. Only 2 countries have a blanket ban on raw cow's milk: Australia and Canada. And when both the law and the facts are against you, call the other side names.” When asked by Blue during cross-examination, two of the government’s witnesses acknowledged that informed consumers should have the freedom to consume raw milk. Documents submitted as part of the appeal show the detailed health, sanitation and food safety protocols the farm meticulously employs and further illustrate how the Ontario laws have nothing to do with protecting the public health but rather only have the intent to prohibit competition to the Ontario dairy industry. Some say big dairy stands to lose a lot if non-pasteurized products hit store shelves. Sutherland of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice granted a permanent injunction to Gavin Dowing (referred to as “the Director”–the opinion never explains what he is the director of?) They are asking people to sign it and share it with their Canadian friends. There is so much at stake that we at Glencolton Farms might as well pack it in unless supporters of food freedom understand that we cannot do it alone. Seriously. It contains all essential enzymes, whereas less than 10% remains in pasteurized milk. Their testimony shows how the science on raw milk safety and benefits has strengthened considerably in recent years. Federal legislation prohibits the sale of raw milk anywhere in Canada. WHERE: Ontario Court of Justice, 50 Eagle Street West, Newmarket Ontario. ignores the fact that raw milk has unique health benefits not possessed by pasteurized milk; is based on dated and incomplete pathogen prevalence and outbreak reports; ignores that in the western world illnesses from raw milk are a, ignores the role of openness, scrutiny and food safety management programs in minimizing the health risk of raw milk; and, ignores that almost everywhere else and in the western world, the sale and distribution of raw milk is legal; and. At a past court hearing on March 16, 2016, the court set a date in September for the final hearing on the applications. 1992, Farmer Schmidt’s sales of raw milk have increased enough to create a small store on the property. Outbreaks linked to raw milk are more common in states where raw milk is legal. The fly-by-night guys who’ll be pedaling raw milk out of the backs of their pickup trucks — and there have certainly been cases like this — probably won’t be taking the same precautions. Proponents of raw milk have stated that there are benefits to its consumption, including better flavor, better nutrition, and the building of a healthy immune system. The petition notes that there is no law prohibiting the consumption of raw milk which wouldn’t be the case if the product was truly regarded as a health hazard. “ … Schmidt, Vander Hout, ARC, OFOF and the other defendants in the case have appealed Judge Sutherland’s ruling to the Court of Appeals for Ontario requesting that the judge’s orders and the appeal itself be stayed until the Toronto Superior Court of Justice has issued a decision on the constitutional challenge. The law in Canada is that raw milk cannot be sold to the public because it poses a health risk. The proceedings on Wednesday, which took about an hour, were devoted to scheduling future hearings and determining technical issues, like whether to combine two complaints against Schmidt—one from the York Region and another from the Ontario dairy director. I cannot, in good conscience, enjoy consuming health-giving raw milk on my farm with my family (under the Ontario Milk Act only dairy farmers and their families have legal access to raw milk), while others are left to suffer their ailments which led them to seek out access to raw milk in the first place.”, The petition describes the consumer parties to the challenge as “individuals who for many years have purchased raw milk, consumed it themselves and provided it to members of their families for the health benefits they believe it affords. Code r. 420-3-16-.12: 2. It was a testimony to Schmidt and his cause that such a turnout materialized on a frigid and damp morning, since the actual court case is only in its infancy. Delivery. This conclusion was documented in a Grand Rounds presentation at BC’s own Centre for Disease Control by researcher Nadine Ijaz. The “Big Demonstration” that David refers to alludes to the hundreds of people there. In Ontario, a constitutional (charter) challenge to a national and provincial ban on the sale and distribution of raw milk is nearing the finish. While we have made it past the initial 500 signatures needed in order to make sure this issue is heard in Parliament, we want to see the Canadian Raw Milk Petition in the top three on the site so that we can show the Canadian government and the Canadian people that a policy change is long past due. In Ontario, distributing raw milk was long considered to be a regulatory offense punishable by fines, but as of January 2018 an order issued by Ontario’s Superior Court changed that. Raw milk is milk from cows, sheep, and goats — or any other animal — that has not been pasteurized to kill harmful bacteria. David goes on to explain the intricate and somewhat complicated court matters involved in the case. Raw milk cannot legally be sold in Canada, except into government-authorized "supply management" cartels, where it goes to be pasteurized. If this is it, his courage and persistence have left a lasting legacy with the tremendous increase in the demand for and supply of raw milk throughout Canada. Raw Milk Could be Legal in Canada with your Support. Reviews on Raw Milk in Vancouver, BC - Les Amis Du Fromage, Sunshine Market, Oyama Sausage Company, Whole Foods Market, South China Seas Trading, Famous Foods, Riley Park Winter Farmers Market, Choices Markets, Sweet Cherubim, Sunrise Market Visit our Community Guidelines for more information and details on how to adjust your email settings. The only threat to health is the senseless loss of a great source of nutrient-dense food if the Toronto Superior Court rejects the constitutional challenge. Price Foundation. It’s time for the federal and provincial legislatures to pay attention, just as they finally did with marijuana, and remove this thorn from everyone’s side. That is why all milk in Ontario, and the rest of Canada, must be pasteurized before it can be sold to consumers. Kudos to Ian Blue and his law firm of Gardiner Roberts LLP for providing representation for applicants at a substantial discount. The 21 individuals filed the challenge in response to a January 5 decision by Judge P.W. Cru Berger. Charter Challenge to Canada’s Raw Milk Ban. It … Schmidt’s operation has a 25-year history of safety. Former owner Michael Schmidt stills works on the farm but owns nothing of it. Links: There is also a website with a petition for Canadians to have the right to obtain fresh milk produced by local farms recognized by the legislation; to endorse “We Choose Fresh” petition, go to Full press release below. Even Sutherland acknowledged his own sympathy in his decision. “Dangers” of Raw Milk. The applicants’ response has been to show that pathogen prevalence alone is not a reliable indicator of risk because of risk-mitigating factors such as the dose of the pathogen (is there enough in the milk to make someone sick); the consumer’s immunological status; production, storage and transport conditions of the milk; and the mitigating presence of beneficial bacteria. Print Friendly. Raw milk can contain a variety of disease-causing pathogens, as demonstrated by numerous scientific studies. Petition –, ——— The officials conducted the raid at both locations without any warrant. Consumption data on raw milk Gouda-like cheese were unavailable for the healthy BC population. Bacterial testing is readily available, transportation is fast, and consumers can all afford refrigerators. To get a sense of the farmers who are targeted and what the government is trying to do to these farmers, take a look at her article about Glencolton Farms. Raw milk is milk that has not been pasteurized or homogenized. Many people across Canada, including people in British Columbia, got seriously ill as a result of drinking raw milk. You do not need to be a raw milk drinker or even a supporter to sign this petition. “Getting back to nature” – that’s what many Americans are trying to do with the foods that we buy and eat. The petition began on April 13, 2016 and is already over 1100 signatures. Local mothers sourcing raw milk for their families. Letter from Michael and Elisa to supporters: (For additional information and background on the case, the Bovine has comprehensive coverage of the cases and actions against food freedom related to Glencolton Farms.). The Healthy Butcher41 $$$Butcher. Dairy plant A was a farmstead operation with approximately 45 dairy cows that supplied all the milk for the plant's cheese production. The best tasting and nutrient rich cheese is the one made from grass fed milk and raw milk. BACKGROUNDOn Tuesday, November 21, Glencolton Farms in Durham, Ontario, Canada was raided by agents of the Ministry of Natural Resources, the enforcement arm of the Ministry of Health. Schmidt has ignored that conviction, and the fine that came with it, insisting he has done nothing wrong in providing milk to members of his herdshare. This would send the message loudly and clearly that it is past time the Canadian government reevaluates its outdated position on the prohibition of fresh milk. Canadian raw milk is gaining appeal to the people of Canada. OFOF purchased the cows from the Agri-Cultural Renewal Cooperative (ARC) and hired ARC to care for the cows and manage the dairy operations. Producing raw milk is illegal in Scotland but people buy it from England. Each holds, as a matter of conscience or religion, that she or he should have the right to obtain raw milk from farmers in Ontario for that reason . The Canadian quota system has been held as a model for the struggling U.S. dairy industry but there has been a tremendous decline in the number of Canadian dairies, falling from nearly 140,000 in 1960 to fewer than 12,000 today according to The Globe and Mail.1. Pasteurization ensures the milk we drink is safe. Carignan-Salières (Le) Cormoran. Videos: Canada Raw Milk. As is often the case when raw milk makes headlines, the case involved farmer Michael Schmidt, who has campaigned for decades for the legal right to fill the niche market for unpasteurized milk and cheese. Sale of raw milk for human consumption is prohibited. Comments may take up to an hour for moderation before appearing on the site. Please sign this petition and ask others to do the same. Weston A. In contrast to Australia the market for raw milk has been liberalized recently in New Zealand as it is in England and Wales, where selling of raw milk must be certified by the Food Standard Agency. We are the first in Canada to produce 100% A2 Milk. Top graphic snipped from “Food Rights” video, published 19 Oct. 2015 on YouTube at, Updated 3/14/18 – title revised from “Farmers and Consumers File Constitutional Challenge to Ontario Raw Milk Ban”. On March 16th 2016, a huge rally outside an Ontario courthouse, showed tremendous support for the Canadian raw milk farmers who are providing the wonderful health food to their communities. Mothers and farmers are available for interview prior to March 16th and at the rally. The 3 worst milk brands you can buy Just because dairy milk can be a good source of protein and vitamin D doesn't mean you can run out and buy a gallon of any old brand (not if you're trying to make healthy choices, anyway). The rally and celebration is designed to bring awareness to the draconian measures against dairy farmers in Ontario. WATCH US MAKE BUTTER: you're local is a great #grassfed dairy and meat option! Once the deadline passes, the petition will be read in the House of Commons when they return from recess. Karen Selick was Michael Schmidt’s lawyer from 2010 to 2013. Thank you for your support. The farm-gate price for raw milk has plunged nearly 40% since its April 2014 peak. Sutherland of the Superior Court of Justice in Newmarket who issued an order prohibiting all raw milk producers in Ontario from operating a raw milk plant without a license and from any distribution of raw milk by an unlicensed plant; under provincial law any raw milk produced by a licensed dairy plant must be pasteurized. Contamination can also occur during handling, packaging and distribution. Raw milk is milk that is unpasteurized. ). Unless we raise these funds we will have absolutely no chance of succeeding. Recent swat-style raids and arrest warrants on small farmers have inspired mothers and other activists to take their message to the courthouse where they plan to risk criminal charges, and possibly jail, by gathering for a peaceful milk and cookies picnic. In his opinion, the Judge rejected defendants’ contention that the private nature of the ARC-OFOF operation made it not subject to Ontario milk laws noting that “[t]his court has resisted schemes that purport to create ‘private’ enclaves immune to the reach of public health legislation.”. When we first reported on it, we asked members to send the information to friends and family in Canada so they could sign the Canadian Raw Milk Petition. In-depth reporting on the innovation economy from The Logic, brought to you in partnership with the Financial Post. Or possibly people are simply becoming ever more outraged that the legal beat against Schmidt refuses to end, and has been renewed on entirely new grounds….after 22 years of farm raids and trials. In his talk, Michael praised other raw milk farmers for also “coming out of the closet”. We don’t have the money either, but we have to keep paying and paying and paying out of our last resources. Cheese ripening has proven a sticky matter between Quebec and the federal government, and an Ottawa attempt in 1996 to ban the sale of raw-milk cheese raised a political stink in the province. On January 5 Justice P.W. Please try again. Sign up to receive the daily top stories from the Financial Post, a division of Postmedia Network Inc. A welcome email is on its way. Controlling for growth in population and consumption, the outbreak rate has effectively decreased by 74% since 2005” (the study looked at outbreaks from 2005 to 2018). We have enabled email notifications—you will now receive an email if you receive a reply to your comment, there is an update to a comment thread you follow or if a user you follow comments. Sample wording below. It can come from any animal. They further believe that as a matter of conscience that they and their families need to consume raw milk because doing so protects their health.”. OFOF later purchased 100% ownership of the cows and hired ARC to care for the cows and manage the dairy operations at Glencolton Farm. The current minister of Health, which is the designated recipient of the petition, is Jane Philpott. But raw milk, i.e., unpasteurized milk, can harbor dangerous microorganisms that can pose serious health risks to you and your family. Currently, all raw milk cheeses sold in Canada must be aged for at least 60 days as this process is believed to reduce the likelihood of pathogen survival. Raw milk consumers across Canada have spent decades peacefully trying to obtain raw milk from local farmers despite the threat of harassment from the authorities. Producing raw milk is illegal in Scotland but people buy it from England. In 1991, RAW milk was officially banned for sale under Food and Drug Regulations. The ban has served as a protection racket for dairy industry but some of the farmers making up the industry might want to consider obtaining another outlet for their milk. Raw Milk Constitutional Challenge Underway in Ontario Court Dairy farmer and raw milk advocate Michael Schmidt talks to supporters outside court in … Sheldon Creek Dairy Explicitly targeted by the application is anyone else, including mothers, who are engaged in ‘counseling others to….distribute unpasteurized milk.”, SPEAKERS:  Michael Schmidt, Farmer; Liz Reitzig, Founder Nourishing Liberty; David Gumpert, Journalist, Author and raw milk expert; Elisa Vander Hout, Founder Our Farms, Our Food Coop. Alaska : Sale of raw milk for human consumption is prohibited. GoFundMe – Police raids hit the farm 2 days before the piece hits television. Raw milk consumers across Canada have spent decades peacefully trying to obtain raw milk from local farmers despite the threat of harassment from the authorities. Goats are raised on nutritious year-round diet of natural NON-GMO alfalfa hay ( up to 96 % of total diet), free pasture as much as the goats take in, and a grain ration that includes a protein, mineral and gut health source. If you don't see it please check your junk folder. Cru berger aux herbes. The Weston A. In Canada, unlike the U.S., there is no legal distinction between “private” and “public” commerce — all commerce in Canada … All rights reserved. Milk is then homogenized which is a process of breaking down the fat molecules so they stay together and don’t separate as cream and it gives the milk a smooth, even consistency.

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