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Sa’d is a smart, brave horseman, the Prophet’s uncle, one of the first converts, and hero of different wars and raids. Let your messages make me as if I am actually seeing you. Hoping that his heart would yield upon seeing her, some relatives took Sa’d to his mother, who was almost dying. Then he stretched out his arm like an unerring arrow pointing to the enemy and shouted to his soldiers, “Let’s start this battle accompanied by Allah’s blessings.”. Sa`d was among those who fought in defense of Muhammad after some Muslims had deserted their positions. One day the inhabitents of Kufa complained to the Commander of the Faithful about Sa’d. To install click the Add extension button. Uthman Ibn talha saw him and reported it to his mother. Conversion to Islam. There they fought to carry with them at the end the emperor’s throne and crown as war booty. Sa’d told him, “Nothing more than what we all do or worship, except that I don’t carry any spite or hatred towards any Muslim.” This is the “Lion’s Claws” as ‘Abd Ar-Rahman Ibn ‘Awf had described him. I prolonged the first two rak’ahs and shortened the last two.”. On the day of Uhud I heard the Prophet (pbuh) say, “Throw Sa^d. Therefore, he decided to personally lead the Muslim troops in a decisive fight against Persia. During this period, he saw a dream: While he was in pitch-black darkness, a bright moon rose instantly and he began to follow a moon-lit road. She came up to me and said: “O Sa’ad! His grandfather was Uhaib Ibn Manaaf, the paternal uncle of Aaminah, the mother of the Prophet (pbuh). The scene was so impressive, even mountain rocks would yield and melt. Hoping that his heart would yield upon seeing her, some relatives took Sa’d to his mother, who was almost dying. For Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas was in fact a maternal uncle of the Prophet since he belonged to the Bani Zuhrah, the clan of Aminah bint Wahb, the mother of the Prophet, peace be upon him. not…, And We have written in the Zaboor (given to David) after the Torah (given to Moses): My righteous servants shall inherit the earth, ”And you did not take anyone’s side. His prayers were heard and answered; if he asked Allah for victory, he would be granted it. You weren’t with the unjust against the just, nor were you with the just against the unjust.”, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Instagram (Opens in new window), Click to share on Flipboard (Opens in new window), Nabi Zakariya Inta Goor Qur’aanka Lagu Sheegay, Nabi Shucayb Inta Goor Qur’aanka Lagu Sheegay, Nabi Saalix Inta Goor Qur’aanka Lagu Sheegay, Nabi Isxaaq Inta Goor Qur’aanka Lagu Sheegay, Nabi Zakariya Inta Goor Qur’aanka Lagu Sheegay, Nabi Shucayb Inta Goor Qur’aanka Lagu Sheegay, Nabi Saalix Inta Goor Qur’aanka Lagu Sheegay, Nabi Isxaaq Inta Goor Qur’aanka Lagu Sheegay. He was a man who belonged to Paradise, as the Messenger (pbuh) prophesied. To leave your heirs wealthy is better than to leave them having to be dependent on someone. He ordered them to search for a safe, secure ford in the river which would enable their crossing. asked him persistently to tell him the worship or deed which made him eligible for such a reward. He was the horseman on the Day of Badr, the horseman on the Day of Uhud and in every battle he experienced with the Prophet (pbuh). His determined and hopeful sound turned each individual soldier into an army of its own. It continued to kick the man down till he died. That's it. Indeed, all those horrible legions, will Sa’d meet with his mere 30,000 warriors, equipped only with spears, nothing more. Sa’d ordered his army to cross the Tigris River. Who is that “Lion’s Claws”? She announced her abstention from food and drink until Sa’d returned to his anscestors’ and kin’s religion. Some historical sources described the magnificence of such a scene as the fording of the river: Sa’d ordered the Muslims to say, “Allah is enough for us and He is the best to trust in.” Then he penetrated the Tigris with his horse, and the people penetrated behind him. When the dispute ended in favor of Mi’aawiyah, who took over the reins of government, he asked Sa’d, “Why didn’t you fight with us?” He answered, “A dark cloud passed over me. Lorsqu il se rendirent compte qu il était devenu musulman, ils le renièrent. He was seventeen years old when he accepted Islam. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Furthermore, he ordered his whole family and children not to tell him any news about what was happening. He was one of six people nominated by Umar ibn al-Khattab for the third caliphate. Then he said to him, Send me information about all your circumstances. For Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas (ra) was a cousin of the Prophet (saw) on his mother's side and belonged to the Bani Zuhrah, the clan of Aminah bint Wahb (ra), the mother of the Prophet (saw). Sad comes from a rich and noble family. For Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas was in fact a maternal uncle of the Prophet since he belonged to the Bani Zuhrah, the clan of Aminah bint Wahb, the mother of the Prophet, peace be upon him. He began his speech citing the following glorious verse: ”And We have written in the Zaboor (given to David) after the Torah (given to Moses): My righteous servants shall inherit the earth“ (21 :105). They walked as if they were walking on a land surface until they filled the whole area between the two banks. -`Umar did not forget what happened between Ibn Abi Waqqas and his mother when he converted to Islam and followed the Prophet. The body of the last Muhaajiruun was buried in Al- Madinah, safely laid beside a group of great Companions who preceded him to Allah. Thanking Allah, he always said, “By Allah, I am the first Arab to throw a spear in the cause of Allah.”, Ally Ibn Abi Taalib said, “I have never heard the Prophet (pbuh) hoping that his parents may be made someone’s ranson except Sa’d. Sa’d Ibn Abi Waqqaas, had many noble qualities which he could be proud of. Unto Me is your return, and I shall tell you what you                     used to do. I said to her, ‘Yaa Ummaah! Det er gratis at tilmelde sig og byde på jobs. سعد بن أبي وقاص‎, The Campanions of Prophet Muhammad Create a free website or blog at It is he who, whenever he turned to the Prophet while sitting among his Companions, was greeted cheerfully by the Prophet saying, “He’s my maternal uncle.”. His father was Abu Waqqas Malik ibn Uhayb ibn Abd Manaf ibn Zuhrah from the Banu Zuhrah clan of the Quraysh tribe. Sa’d realized that time was on his enemy’s side; therefore, he decided to deprive them of this advantage, but how could he do that? No sword or lance of his ever failed to reach its target. [1] [2] Uhayb ibn Abd Manaf was the paternal uncle of Aminah bint Wahb, [3] mother of Muhammad. In fact, he set out accompanied by some of his companions, leaving ‘Ali Ibn Abu Taalib (May Allah be pleased with him) behind to act as his deputy over Al-Madinah. Your heart would be broken with grief for me and remorse would consume you on account of the deed, you have done and people would censure you forever more.’ ‘Don’t do (such a thing), my mother,’ I said, ‘for I would not give up my religion for anything.’ However, she went on with her threat… For days she neither ate nor drank. One day, when the Prophet saw him doing something which made him glad and delighted, he made the following plea: “O Allah, make his spear hit unerringly and answer his prayer.”. For Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqas (RA) was a cousin of the Holy Prophet (SWS) on his mother’s side and belonged to the Bani Zuhrah, the clan of Aminah bint Wahb (RA), the mother of the Holy Prophet (SWS). He was born in 595 A.D. in Mekkah. Thus Allah granted him a great amount of halaal money. As-Sahabah: Sa’d went to her. It was the banner waving over a long great life. May I contribute two thirds of my money as alms?” The Prophet (pbuh) said, “No.” Then he said, “Then half of it?” The Prophet (pbuh) said,” No.” Then he said, “Then a third?” The Prophet (pbuh) said, ” Yes, and the third is too much. He accepted Islam when he was 17 years old. When the Prophet (pbuh) spoke about the One God and about the new religion whose teachings he was to spread all around, and before using Daar Al-Arqam as a refuge for himself and the Companions in those early days, Sa’ad Ibn Abi Waqqaas. Finally they found a place, but the fording was not free of extreme risks. Saʿd was born in Mecca in 595. Sa'd Ibn Abi Waqqas, one of the companions of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). Ally Ibn Abi Taalib said, “I have never heard the Prophet (pbuh) hoping that his parents may be made someone’s ranson except Sa’d. Therefore the Commander of the Faithful should hand him the standard of Al-Qaadisiyah and throw him against the Persians, who recruited more than 100,000 trained warriors equipped with the most dangerous weapons the earth had ever witnessed, led on that day by the most intelligent and cunning warlords. ‘Umar agreed to their decision, then asked his companions, “Whom do you see fit to be sent to Iraq?” They thought silently for a while. For Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas (ra) was a cousin of the Prophet (saw) on his mother's side and belonged to the Bani Zuhrah, the clan of Aminah bint Wahb (ra), the mother of the Prophet (saw). Uhayb ibn Abd Manaf was the paternal uncle of Aminah bint Wahb, mother of Muhammad. Possessing two weapons, his lance and his prayer. If you spend any money in the cause of Allah you’ll be rewarded for it, even the bite you put in your wife’s mouth.”. At the battle of Uhud, Sa`d was chosen as an archer together with Zayd, Sa`īb (the son of Uthmān ibn Mazūn) and others. . Sa’d writes again to the Commander of the Faithful saying, Rustum camped with his troops at Saabaat. However, that does not omit the possibility that his conversion had taken place secretly and he had believed even earlier. If the war had just been waged before his illness or had it been delayed till he was cured and healthy again, then he would have proved himself brave. Allahu akbar!” The echo was to be heard all over the universe. Thereupon The Lion’s Claws stood up to preach to his soldiers. Uhayb ibn Abd Manaf was the paternal uncle of Aminah bint Wahb, mother of Muhammad.Saʿd's mother was Hamnah bint Sufyan ibn Umayya ibn Abd Shams ibn Abd Manaf.. Before embracing Islam he used to feel that he doesn t … I have wealth and I only have one daughter to inherit from me. May my father and mother be your ransom.” Yes, indeed, he always mentioned proudly these two noble blessings. ‘Umar then sent for Sa’d Ibn Maalik Az-Zuhariy, also known as Sa’d Ibn Abi Waqqaas, and appointed him governor of Iraq and Commander of the Army. Sa”d Ibn Abi Waqqaas. Indeed, that is exactly what happened. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. His mother changed her mind. Despite all that, Saad did not care. Sa’d wrote to the Commander of the Faithful describing everything. The delegation returned to Sa’d, leader of the Muslims, to tell him that it was war. Afterwards, on the same road, he saw that Zaid bin Harith, Hazrat Ali, and Hazrat Abu Bakr were walking ahead of him. What is your enemy’s position in respect to yours? Assalamu Caleykum Wa Raxmatullaahi, Wa Barakaatuhu. Sa`ad beat a polytheist and shed his blood, reportedly becoming the first Muslim to shed blood in the name of Islam. (April 2019) Click [show] for important translation instructions. His father was Abu Waqqas Malik ibn Uhayb ibn Abd Manaf ibn Zuhrah from the Banu Zuhrah clan of the Quraysh tribe. You weren’t with the unjust against the just, nor were you with the just against the unjust.” [49:9], Hereupon Sa’d responded, “I wouldn’t have fought a man (he meant “Aliy Ibn Abu Taalib) to whom the Prophet (pbuh) said, “You have towards me the same position Haaruun (Aaron) had towards Muusaa (Moses), except that there isn’t any Prophet coming after me.'”. Please log in using one of these methods to post your comment: You are commenting using your account. Saad ibn Abī Waqqās (Arabic: سعد بن أبي وقاص‎) was an early convert to Islam in 610-11 and one of the important companions of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. The soldiers of these two detachments had to encounter many horrible situations to clear a safe place on the opposite bank for the army, which would subsequently cross. She became emaciated and weak.”. The scene was so impressive, even mountain rocks would yield and melt. He is mainly known for his commandership in the conquest of Persia in 636, governorship over it, and diplomatic sojourns to China in 616 and 651. All people, the noble ones as well as the lowly, all are equal in front of Allah. He was Saad Ibn Abi Waqqaas. Sa'd war ein naher Verwandter von Amina bint Wahb, der Mutter des Propheten. For this reason he is sometimes referred to as Sa’d of Zuhrah, to distinguish him from several others whose first name was Sa’d (RA). Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 59, Number 389. Just better. Jannat is the most expensive commodity a Muslim yearns and longs for. He was seventeen years old when he accepted Islam. It also amazed his companion and escort Salmaan Al-Faarisiy, who shook his head in astonishment and said,” Islam is indeed new. Whenever he listened to the Prophet (pbuh) preaching or advising, his tears rolled down abundantly, so that his tears nearly filled his lap. In the name of the One in Whose hands Salmaan’s soul lies, they will leave it in a group, as they entered it in a group.”. The Persians gathered their army as they never had before and appointed as their leader one of the most famous and dangerous commanders, Rustum. The relationship between them is one of rivalry for preference by means of their well-being, whereas they can only get what is in Allah’s hands by means of obedience to Him. By: Ahmed Sayed Ahmed ‘Ali (Mabarrat al Al wal Ashab) The Maternal Uncle of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and the first to shoot an arrow in the Path of Allah . “Then, (shall I give) a half?.” asked Sa’ad and the Prophet again said ‘no.’ “Then, (shall I give) a third?’ asked Sa’ad. The source code for the WIKI 2 extension is being checked by specialists of the Mozilla Foundation, Google, and Apple. Conversion to Islam. He had wished so much that the war would be delayed for some time. He was known for being serious and intelligent. He came with his face nearer and shouted so that she could hear him. Can anyone tell me who his uncle was? Congregational prayer was then announced and ‘Aliy Ibn Abu Taalib was sent for. “Yes,” said the Prophet. (v. 595 - v. 674) est l'un des plus illustres compagnons du prophète de l'islam Mahomet. Uthman carried out Umar’s recommendation and appointed Sa’d as governor of Kufa. Shall I give two thirds of my wealth as Sadaqah?” “No,” replied the Prophet. During the battle, the Prophet gathered some arrows for him. On the day of Uhud I heard the Prophet (pbuh) say, “Throw Sa^d. “Allah will never torture me. Once, everyone was anxious to know his position, when his nephew Haashim Ibn “Utbah Ibn Abi Waqqaas, said to him, “0 uncle, here are 100,000 swords which consider you the more entitled to that matter (i.e. . However, his belief in Allah and His Messenger proved to be stronger than rocks and iron.

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