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The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 64(1), 41. The emergence of a dazzling range of digital technologies have transformed fundamentally many aspects of our political, economic, social and personal lives. As a discipline, computer science spans a range of topics from theoretical studies of algorithms, computation and information to the practical issues of implementing computational systems in hardware and software.. Its fields can be divided into theoretical and practical disciplines. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 18(2), 1-19. Theoretical Computer Science (TCS) uses mathematical and logicalmethods to understand the nature of computation and to solve fundamental problems arising through the everyday practical use of computer systems. (2018) Cube-and-Conquer for Satisfiability. attacks that deceive human judgement). On the one hand, it forms the theoretical foundation of verification, as we can view a verification scenario as a game being played between the system and its environment. Berger, U. Mathematics in Computer Science 8(1), 11-38. (2016) A Specification Theory of Real-Time Processes. There would be an ongoing debate about what constitutes Theoretical Computer Science, except that scientists are too busy doing real stuff than to waste their time chasing mice. The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 66(1), 1, Tucker, J., Beggs, E., Cortez, P. & Costa, F. (2018). Moller, F. & Powell, S. (2018). Detecting Malicious Collusion Between Mobile Software Applications: The Android TM Case. Springer. Based on Turing's and Gödel's fundamental insights, which showed both the power and the limitations of computation and logic, TCS developed a wide variety of methods to prove the correctness of computing system and to discover software errors before they lead to catastrophic computer failures. (2006). Our faculty's innovative approaches and paradigms have had widespread international impact. Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion 23, 69-86. We study efficient solutions for big data analytics, including sublinear algorithms, streaming algorithms, and distributed/parallel algorithms. CiteScore values are based on citation counts in a range of four years (e.g. 877-883. (2017). Soft Computing 21(1), 191-197. (2015). Of particular interest is NLP applied to legal texts. Abdullahi, I. Kiel, Germany: Springer. Reducibility of domain representations and Cantor–Weihrauch domain representations. In this new video, Duke Computer Science Professor Alvin Lebeck answers questions about Phitonex, an innovative startup company that he co-founded. Explore Theoretical Computer Science research areas at Duke Computer Science. A Provably Correct Translation of the Lambda-Calculus into a Mathematical Model of C++. 27(3): 119-123 (1988)). Wang, V. & Tucker, J.. (2016). (2017). The MSc by Research in Theoretical Computer Science allows you to undertake a year-long individual programme of personally and professionally enriching research. & Hou, T. (2016). Inf. Simply stated, argumentation focuses on disputes and debates, where parties argue for and against conclusions. Two main approaches are: machine learning, where texts are statistically analysed and classified with respect to sentiment, opinion, topic, and other types; knowledge representation and reasoning, where (logical) rules and knowledge structures are used to process, relate, extract, represent, and reason with the fine-grained information encoded in language. Knapp, A., Mossakowski, T., Roggenbach, M. & Glauer, M. (2015) An Institution for Simple UML State Machines. The theory group is particularly interested in rigorous analysis of the security of systems and are continually making contribution to the field, e.g., through modelling and verifying cryptocurrencies, working on models of privacy, considering mobile application security and formulating approaches to capture cyberterrorism. The most famous open problem in the area is the P versus NP-problem, listed among the seven Clay Millenium Prize problems (see also the topic 'Satisfiability Solving'). In the last decade, the area of research on enumeration algorithms has grown rapidly. Theoretical computer science is a term generally used to refer to parts of the computer science world that are less “hands-on” or demonstrable and more theoretical in nature. There would be an ongoing debate about what constitutes Theoretical Computer Science, except that scientists are too busy doing real stuff than to waste their time chasing mice. Computational complexity theory has its origin in logic. Presented at Lecture Notes in Computer Science,, 13-35. Concurrency theory represents the area of theoretical computer science which studies the decomposability properties of a program, algorithm, or problem into parts that can be safely executed (partially) out of order. Apply; Meet us Cyber security is an area of Computer Science that continually affects our everyday lives. Prof. Since computer programs control aircrafts, nuclear power plants, medical devices and banking systems, bugs introduced by programmers can cause catastrophic loss of life and livelihood. We investigate theoretical foundations of applied areas including artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and databases (DB). Urbat, H., Adamaek, J., Chen, L.-T., Miliua, S. (2017). A light-weight integration of automated and interactive theorem proving. We have expertise in several theorem provers such as Agda, B-Method, Coq, Event-B, Isabelle/HOL, Minlog, and Maude. Process. In Data Analytics and Decision Support for Cybersecurity. Stability for Effective Algebras. Theoretical computer science (TCS) is a subset of general computer science and mathematics that focuses on mathematical aspects of computer science such as the theory of computation, lambda calculus, and type theory.. A functional perspective on argumentation schemes. We have developed a model of blockchain and are working on verifying smart contracts and other protocols in theorem provers. Theorising Monitoring: Algebraic Models of Web Monitoring in Organisations. & Soon, O. Y. In Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering. A university-based model for supporting computer science curriculum reform. Pages 26-31. (2018) Optimized Program Extraction for Induction and Coinduction. TCS owes much of its success to Alan Turing (1912-1954), whom many consider the father of TCS, and to Kurt Gödel (1906-1978), the founder of modern logic. Blog-, Seminar Calendar-, Theoretical Computer Science Research Group, Swansea Academy of Inclusivity and Learner Success (SAILS), Swansea Academy of Advanced Computing (SA2C), Computational Foundry at Swansea University, Educational, and Historical and Philosophical Foundation,, Our main focus in type theory is on dependent type theory, in which types can be parametrized (depend) on elements of other types. In Logic, Language, Information, and Computation. Copyright © 2021 The Trustees of He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science in 1983 from Princeton University. There is significant overlap between the two Graduate Areas, and much research lies in their intersection. Beckmann, A. Theoretical Computer Science (TCS) looks at the fundamental questions of computation by creating formal models of computation and understanding the resources needed to solve general and specific algorithmic questions. A realizability interpretation of Church's simple theory of types. Heule, M. & Kullmann, O. Heule, M., Kullmann, O. Kanso, K. Moller, F. & Setzer, A. Creating knowledge-bases derived from human expertise is increasingly essential. (2017). Indiana University Bloomington Associations, Projects etc., Mailing lists, Newsgroups, Research Areas, Collections of Sites, Search Engines, Software, Theorem Provers, Hardware Prizes, Philosophy of Computer Science Foundations of Mathematics ... Department of Computer Science. cryptography) to social issues involved in social engineering (e.g. Automating Test Case Selection in Model-Based Software Product Line Development. International Journal of Unconventional Computing. Regarding topics. (2017). The major research projects in the theoretical computer science group include the development and analysis of algorithms in a variety of models, parallel computing, computational complexity, and … CiteScore: 2.3 ℹ CiteScore: 2019: 2.3 CiteScore measures the average citations received per peer-reviewed document published in this title. Starting with Carl Adam Petri's seminal work on Petri nets in the early 1960s, a wide variety of formalisms have been developed for modelling and reasoning about concurrency. This type of research includes theorizing or defining how a cyber system and its environment behave and then exploring or playing out the implications of how it is defined. Topics: Algorithm Design: Graph algorithms, parallel and distributed algorithms, cache-efficient algorithms, algorithmic game theory, sublinear time algorithms. Future Care Capital. Automata theory is the study of abstract machines and automata, as well as the computational problems that can be solved using them. Beckmann, A., Buss, S., Friedman, S., Moller, M. & Thapen, N. (2018). At Swansea University, there is a unique, interdisciplinary collaboration between the Department of Computer Science and the School of Law. Indiana University, The Luddy Office of Diversity and Inclusion (LODI), Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU), Summer Research Fellowship for International Students. Smart contracts can be used to automatically carry out transactions on a blockchain when certain conditions are met. In the form of the P vs NP problem, the complexity of SAT solving is one of the central topics of theoretical computer science. The research interests of faculty in Theoretical Foundations of Computer Science cover a wide spectrum of topics. Wyner, A. Springer. In Swansea we have special expertise in proof theory of Martin Laf Type Theory, interactive theorem proving using the type theoretic theorem provers Agda and Coq, coalgebras and coinduction. Proc. (pp. In Concurrency, Security, and Puzzles. Mosses, P. & Vesely, F. (2014). Research Areas Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. Theoretical Computer Science is mathematical and abstract in spirit, but it derives its motivation from practical and everyday computation. The mechanisms can formally treat common sense and everyday human reasoning patterns. LNAI 10207, pages 277-284. Pauly, A., Fouche, W. & Davie, G. (2018). Presented at ISSEP'2016: The 9th International Conference on Informatics in Schools, Munster, Germany: ISSEP 2016. Natural language processing (NLP) is a subfield of AI which focuses on automated processing and analysis of natural language, e.g. Fan, X. (2008). Fan, X. Moller, F. & Crick, T. (2016).A National Engagement Model for Developing Computer Science Education in Wales. The explanatory power of argumentation has been explored in argumentation-based decision making and planning in both legal and medical settings. AI and Law is a research area within Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence and Law 25(1), 107-126. Submission. In Multisensor Fusion and Integration in the Wake of Big Data, Deep Learning and Cyber Physical System. We have expertise in process algebras, especially CSP and CCS, and in various modal and temporal logics. Bauer, A. (2008). Classifying the computational power of stochastic physical oracles. (2005). This area explores the fundamental and foundational aspects of computers and computation. Dependent types allow as well to describe more generic types. & Petrovska, O. Computer Systems, Networks, and Architecture; Theory of Computer Science. (pp. This field comprises two sub-fields: the theory of algorithms, which involves the design and analysis of computational procedures; and complexity theory, which involves efforts to prove that no efficient algorithms exist in certain cases, and which investigates the classification system for computational tasks. Tucker, J., Johnson, K. & Wang, V. (2017). Our faculty works on various areas of theoretical computer science and its applications to algorithm engineering and other sciences such as DNA computation. & Razafindrakoto, J. 1138342. & Preining, N. (2017). Proc. Proceedings of MFCS. Melbourne, Australia: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI). For more information, please visit the theory group wiki. We design such formalisms and study their intrinsic properties as well as their real-life applications. Research interests include approximation algorithms, computational biology, computational complexity, cryptography, graph algorithms, Markov chain Monte Carlo, … AI theory and tools are applied to legal information (e.g. (2017). Dialogue/discourse and natural language generation are used to develop chatbots. Philosophy: How do our technologies speak to classic, human philosophical problems of what we can know, what we can do, and who we are? For a long time I took it to mean mathematical, as opposed for example to "hacking". Learners acquire research and industrial experience if permitted to participate in the Crown family graduate internship program. th International Conference of Advanced Computer Science & Information Technology (ACSIT 2020) will act as a major forum for the presentation of innovative ideas, approaches, developments, and research projects in the area advanced Computer Science and information technology. Surveillance and identity: conceptual framework and formal models. James, P., Moller, F., Nga N., Roggenbach, M., Schneider, S. & Treharne, H. (2014). & Toni, F. (2019). -204). & Moller, B. This area of research can be dated back to the work of Johnson, Papadimitriou and Yannakakis (On Generating All Maximal Independent Sets. & Spreen, D. (2016). We introduce a calculus describing the movement of processes and devices, including movement through administrative domains. Journal of Logic and Analysis, Berger, U. Blanck, J. Human error is the main reason for fatal traffic accidents. This includes both traditional ladder logic based systems as well as the new ERTMS-ETCS which is based on railways without signals and distributed communication protocols. Eilenberg Theorems for Free. Theoretical Computer Science. Springer. The field of algorithmic game theory lies at the intersection of computer science and economics. Another recently form sub group studies the Educational, and Historical and Philosophical Foundation of Computer Science. In PRIMA 2018: Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems. Williams, S., Ware, J M. & Müller, B. Theoretical Computer Science with a Year in Industry MSc. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 1-22. Moller, F. & Crick, T. (2018). Solving very hard problems: Cube-and-Conquer, a hybrid SAT solving method. It has become a disruptive technology in the hardware industry, providing a powerful logical engine for proving correctness and verification. At Swansea University, there is expertise in argumentation theory, argumentation and natural language processing, argumentation schemes, and planning. Lett. Richard Price and the History of Science. Minkowski Games. Deciding logics of linear Kripke frames with scattered end pieces. Basset, N., Jecker, I., Pauly, A., Raskin, J. SAT is also more and more central for automated theorem proving (ATP). 18-38). The section welcomes submissions from academic and industry researchers that seek to advance fundamentals of computational theory or develop theoretical applications of computer science within other related disciplines. (2018). (2018). Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 277, 30-42. parsing, lexical semantics, semantic representation, discourse, and generation. Enumeration Degrees and Topology. Concurrency, Specification, and Programming (CS&P 2016). Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 18(06), 1031-1056. In Nadia Creignou and Daniel Le Berre (Ed. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. Science of Computer Programming 96, 315-336. (2017). We have been verifying railway interlocking systems with our industrial partner Siemens. [Link to cross-cutting page in online version]. Computer Science at U of T is known for its work in neural networks, computer graphics, machine learning, theory, human-computer interaction (HCI), scientific computation, computer performance evaluation, and more. Researchers at Duke have studied fundamental questions in this emerging area, including auction theory, social choice theory, fair resource allocation, preference elicitation, and crowdsourcing, along with real-world implications to ethics, democracy, and society. James, P., Lawrence, A., Roggenbach, M. & Seisenberger, M. (2016) Towards Safety Analysis of ERTMS/ETCS Level 2 in Real-Time Maude. Beckmann, A. PRIMA 2018: Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems. He was with the Computer Science Institute, Hebrew University, Jerusalem from 1986 until 2003. In Swansea we cover the whole area, from the theoretical foundations via open-source implementations to applications in industry and mathematics. Logical Methods in Computer Science 14(2), Blasco, J., Chen, T., Muttik, I. & Seisenberger, M. (2015). Game theory is the mathematical theory of strategic interactions between agents. & Roggenbach, M. (2017). The area is still concerned with fundamental questions about computations. On the other hand, Theoretical Computer Science is crucial for the foundations of game theory, as it lets us take into account the algorithmic complexity of decision making for game theory. The major research projects in the theoretical computer science group include the development and analysis of algorithms in a variety of models, parallel computing, computational complexity, and learning. Argumentation provides a powerful mechanism for dealing with inconsistent, incomplete information using defeasible/non-monotonic reasoning; it provides a means for representing and helping to resolve conflicts and differences of opinion amongst different parties. The most well known application of this new technology are cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, that have been developed to replace the current system of storing bank accounts on a central server. Beyond Admissibility: Dominance Between Chains of Strategies. Theory of Computing Systems 43(3-4), 298-321. & Kober, P. (2010). Bioinformatics and Computational Biology research is also included in Graduate Area II. In propositional proof complexity the major open problem is to prove strong lower bounds for expressive propositional proof systems. Members of this research group have made fundamental contributions to the understanding of computational complexity. Particularly, we study (1) the foundations of query languages and query optimization in DB; (2) graphical models, approximate inference, computational learning theory, and reinforcement learning … Crediting both the Phitonex team and Duke University, Lebeck states that "The foundational research behind the technology was performed at Duke over a span of about 17 years." Computational Complexity: (pp. This allows to describe the correctness of procedures by expressing the output of a procedure by a type which is parametrized by its inputs. Automated Verification of Signalling Principles in Railway Interlocking Systems. (2018). The field of algorithmic game theory lies at the intersection of computer science and economics. Presented at Sailing Routes in the World of Computation,, 228-337. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-94418-0_33. In: Securing the future: planning health and care for every generation. History and heritage: What are the causes of changes? ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 19(3), 1-29. Theoretical Computer Science publishes work focused on the study of all aspects concerning the foundations of computation. Weihrauch-completeness for layerwise computability. This is the homepage of Theoretical Computer Science group at Aalto University, Finland. Presented at 10th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education,, 121-126. In CS, there is expertise in logic, knowledge representation, machine learning, natural language processing, case-based reasoning, dialogue/discourse, chatbots, and social simulation. It concerns itself with computational questions in the presence of self-interested agents. Schwichtenberg, H., Seisenberger, M. & Wiesnet, F. (2016) Higman’s Lemma and Its Computational Content. Recognizing cited facts and principles in legal judgements. Agents and Dementia “ Smart Risk Assessment. Berlin: Springer Verlag. Wang, V. & Tucker, J. & B., Jens (2010). Technocamps: : Advancing Computer Science Education in Wales. & Moller, B. Formalisms for reasoning about various computation and programming paradigms are built using concepts and tools of formal logic. doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.CSL.2018.10, Pauly, A. doi: At Swansea we do research on the mathematical foundation of computation over continuous data and are developing verified software for efficient exact real number computation. Legal information challenges AI theory and tools to address complex, unresolved issues (e.g. Submission. Proceedings of the First Joint Workshop on AI in Health. (pp. A Component-based C++ Framework for Developing BDI Agents. Computer scientists are at the heart of these technologies and can have deep insights into how they affect and change the world: from theory, to policy and practice. Canonical effective subalgebras of classical algebras as constructive metric completions. We focus on the complexity of problems in big data analytics and foundations at AI/ML/DB, and study the sample complexity and communications complexity, which are the main tools for proving impossibility results. Theoretical Computer Science. Our methods frequently rely on rigorous mathematical proofs. Expert Systems with Applications 117, 42-61. defeasibility, inconsistency, vagueness/ambiguity, interpretation, argumentation, systems modeling, linguistic complexity, norms, and case-based reasoning). In these respects, logic becomes more interdisciplinary, relating to AI and Law, NLP, and argumentation. International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 16(6), 685-711. It spans multiple areas in computer science, including algorithms for combinatorial optimization, machine learning, data management, and scientific computing. Education: What education in computing should we offer (i) to school and university students and teachers; (ii) to people working in businesses, public services and the professions, and (iii) to citizens? Blanck, J. ), Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing – SAT 2016. On modelling and verifying railway interlockings: Tracking train lengths. Area Chair for Computer ScienceEddie KohlerCo-Directors of Undergraduate Studies,Computer ScienceBoaz BarakStephen Chongcs-dus@seas.harvard.eduDirector of Graduate Studies,Computer Science David BrooksInterim Area DirectorsMichaela KappJennifer MileskiAssistant Director for Research Administration and FinanceRady Rogers Computability, 1-32. Springer International Publishing, 2014. Encapsulating Formal Methods within Domain Specific Languages: A Solution for Verifying Railway Scheme Plans. Automata comes from the Greek word αὐτόματα meaning "self-acting". Zhong, Q., Fan, X., Luo, X. Minimal unsatisfiability and minimal strongly connected digraphs. 353-375). | Mathematical analysis of applied computing, notably database theory, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. Areas covered by this section … Fundamental questions of this kind were the kindling for the flurry of activity in the 1930s, which is generally seen as the start of modern computer science and which eventually led to the invention of physical digital computers. An even more dangerous activity than driving is programming. Beckmann, A. & Biere, A. In Law, there is expertise in argumentation, case law, public and criminal law, legal advice, and vulnerable populations. (2018). 253-267). Initially studied in philosophy and law, argumentation has been researched extensively in AI and Computer Science in the last decade. IEEE,  2015. NLP relates to type theory (type-theoretic approaches to syntax and semantics), argumentation, logic and proof theory, other topics in AI where decision-support and reasoning is grounded in language. For instance, the type of handlers of a graphical user interface can be defined as a type which depends on the user interface itself. TCS also assesses the inherent difficulty of computing problems, develops efficient new methods to solve hard computing problems and provides powerful methodologies for the development of correct and reliable software. Moller, B. Beyond cryptocurrencies, blockchain can be used to store any data and create trust amongst untrusted users about its accuracy. It is a theory in theoretical computer science, under discrete mathematics (a section of mathematics and also of computer science). (2016). Berger, U., Jones, A. Shulayeva, O., Siddharthan, A. Areas of particular interest include the theory of algorithms and optimization, graph theory, scalable algorithms, theory of machine learning, computational geometry, complex analysis, computational complexity, algorithmic number theory and cryptography. (pp. Of particular interest is interdisciplinary research on argumentation in law with interactions between the Department of Computer Science and the School of Law. Indexed induction–recursion. For the main conference, we solicit research papers in all areas of theoretical computer science. The research on Railway Control Systems has lead to the formation of the Swansea Railway Verification Group which also delivered an Impact Case Study. Fan, X., Zhang, H., Leung, C. & Shen, Z. It spans multiple areas in computer science, including algorithms for combinatorial optimization, machine learning, data management, and scientific computing. Students take 12 courses and conduct research in areas such as artificial intelligence, human computer interaction, theoretical computer science, and distributed and real-time systems. The fundamental goal of this area is to understand the limits of efficient computation (that is understanding the class of problems which can be solved quickly and with restricted resources) and the sources of intractability (that is what takes some problems inherently beyond the reach of such efficient solutions). As the topic has evolved, many intricate questions about computations have been posed, but fundamental issues remain such as computation over continuous data (such as exact real numbers and infinite streams) rather than discrete data. Detection of app collusion potential using logic programming. Berger, U. Towards Efficient Verification of Elementary Object Systems. Springer. Berger, U., James, P., Lawrence, A., Roggenbach, M. & Seisenberger, M. (2017). Since the economic and financial consequences are huge, verification of protocols related to blockchains, cryptocurrencies and smart contracts is very important. Research Areas. All papers will undergo a rigorous review process and will be judged based on their originality, soundness, significance of the results, and relevance to the theme of the conference. Logic provides a multifarious toolbox of techniques to analyse questions like this, some of which promise to provide deep insights in the nature and limits of efficient computation. (2017) Total Search Problems in Bounded Arithmetic and Improved Witnessing. (2018) On Generating Explainable Plans with Assumption-Based Argumentation. The 'Theory Group' pursues research in a wide range of topics in Theoretical Computer Science. (2017). Our research focuses on the theoretical foundations of computer science and related applications. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 250(2), 19. Computer Science Logic (CSL). For a long time I took it to mean mathematical, as opposed for example to "hacking". The Swansea Theory Group is internationally renowned for its research in Logic in Computer Science. Research in the Mathematical Sciences is an international, peer-reviewed hybrid journal covering the full scope of Theoretical Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and … consultations, court proceedings, negotiations, and compliance tracking). Theoretical Computer Science This field comprises two sub-fields: the theory of algorithms, which involves the design and analysis of computational procedures; and complexity theory, which involves efforts to prove that no efficient algorithms exist in certain cases, and which investigates the classification system for computational tasks.

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