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620–686) was a son of Muhammad's companion Sa'ad ibn Abi Waqqas.He was born in Madinah and later moved to Kufa which was built by his father and stayed there until his death.. ". And whoever fights us, we will fight him until the promise of Allah (swt) comes to pass." Sa'd. They fought heroically. He shouted, "Utba! Sa’ad ibn Abi Waqqas was one of the earliest and most trusted companions of the Prophet (saw). However, what you give to your family is also sadaqah. He became very ill there. [5]. Sa’d did not want to fight the Iranians before calling them to peace and Islam. Consider how the Messenger of Allah (saw) used to act with the Muslims and act accordingly�" In pain upon pain did his mother bear him and his weaning took two years. Salimawan1122. The most powerful force had to be mustered. He tried to move them away with a bone of camel he found. He is very attached to his parents and is particularly fond of his mother. While the Prophet (saw) was delighted with Sa'd's acceptance of Islam, others including and especially his mother, were not. Hz. Then, he prayed of Sa'd as follows: "O Lord! Sa'd (ra) knew that this was going to be a bitter, harsh and bloody battle. The army camped at Qadisiyah near Hirah. We would make you become rich and happy. He is short and well-built and has a very heavy crop of hair. "O Sa'd! If he is happy, he thanks Allah and there is good for him. "And We enjoined on man (to be good) to his parents. His death upset Muslims a lot. Sa'd was a person who was very good at leading and controlling an army. In one day alone, some two thousand Muslims and about ten thousand Persians lost their lives. Sa'd did as 'Umar (ra) instructed and sent delegations of Muslims first to Yazdagird and then to Rustum, inviting them to accept Islam or to pay the jizyah to guarantee their protection and peaceful existence or to choose war if they so desired. This was the first bloodshed in the conflict between Islam and kufr - a conflict that was later to escalate and test the patience and courage of the Muslims. The army camped at Qadisiyah near Hirah. After a while, everybody started to make fun of this man who was damned by Hz. [1] Muslim, Fadail as-Sahaba: 43; al-Isaba, 2: 292. We used to fight one another. Sa'd entered the mosque. Then, he said, "We ask you to become Muslims. He had great respect for her without fail. Thus, the problem of Sa'd's mother doubled. It was late afternoon by this time and the Prophet (saw) had just prayed Salat al-'Asr. "And bear with patience what they say and avoid them with noble dignity. By God, either you forsake your new religion or I would not eat or drink until I die. What your wife eats from your wealth is also sadaqah. She became emaciated and weak. He began his speech with a verse from the glorious Qur'an: "And indeed after having exhorted (man), We have laid it down in all the books of Divine wisdom that My righteous servants shall inherit the earth." Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas. "But if they strive to make you join in worship with Me things of which you have no knowledge, obey them not. Hz. "No," replied the Prophet (saw). A storm arose and the canopy of Rustum was blown into the river. Hz.Umar heard about it. This war was recorded as "the Victory of Qadisiya". I said to her: 'Ya Ummah! Hz. When there was mutiny among you, we used to send our governors near you and they would make you obey. Sa'd as follows: "O Sa'd! 'Umar had instructed Sa'd (ra) to send him regular dispatches about the condition and movements of the Muslim forces, and of the deployment of the enemy's forces. Rustum said to him: "Rub'iy! Am I going to stay here and die?". Sa'd (ra) relates: However, Hz. When the delegation returned, Asim told this incident to Sa’d bin Abi Waqqas and interpreted this as follows: "O Sa’d! He served as a means for many people to become Muslims. He comes from a rich and noble family. Book Name: Seerat Hazrat Saad Bin Abi Waqas Writer: Talib Hashmi Description: Talib Hashmi is the author of the book Seerat Hazrat Saad Bin Abi Waqas Pdf. Tribes flock to it like animals in the open country flock to a water hole. "But if they strive to make you join in worship with Me things of which you have no knowledge, obey them not. When she could not dissuade him, she resorted to something else. However, somebody slandered him. The Prophet often complimented him saying, "This is my maternal uncle Sa'd. Umar appointed him as the commander of the army prepared for the conquest of Iran. Sa'd set off. We objected to him first and refused him. The people of the palace put the basket full of soil on the head of Asim as a sign of insult. The thirty thousand strong army set off. When they had all gathered, 'Umar (ra) consulted the leading Muslims about the appointment of a commander-in-chief over the mighty army. "And what is the promise of God to you?" He understood "sawt" as "suht". Then, he prayed for Sa'd. Umar, Hz. During the Farewell Pilgrimage with the Prophet (saw), he fell ill. Sa’d was a Companion who was worthy of being the Caliph. "Paradise for our martyrs and victory for those who live." It is true that we used to be poor and in the wrong way. If you do so, you will endanger your hereafter, too. Facing them once again, he shouted the Muslim battle cry "Allahu Akbar" four times and directed the fighters to attack with the words: Everything that becomes a custom has a beginning. In the sight of Allah (swt), all people whether noblemen or commoners are the same. So show gratitude to Me and to your parents. Sa`d RA ibn Abi Waqqas RA memeluk Islam sejak itu, dan usianya masih sekitar 17 tahun pada saat itu. In these early days of Islam, the Muslims were careful not to arouse the sensibilities of the Quraysh. And whoever fights us, we will fight him until the promise of Allah (swt) comes to pass.". The Prophet (saw) was also greatly pleased when Sa'd (ra) became a Muslim. By then he had recovered his health. Sa'd ibn abi Waqqas cursed those who reviled Ali etc “In Amir bin Sa’d’s tradition under the caption on getting angry regarding the respect to elders, the mention of Hazrat Sad’ds curse upon those people who used to revile Hazrat Ali and Talhah and Zubair (razi Allaho’ ‘anhumal), has already passed. Sa’d, who played an important role in the conveying hadiths to us, reported 270 hadiths. Hz. Uthman was martyred, many people said they wanted to choose him as the caliph. Sa'd, who had took part in all battles together with the Prophet, went to Makkah for the Farewell Hajj. 'Umar (ra) thus made it clear that the army was not to seek conquest for the sake of it and that the expedition was not for seeking personal glory and fame. He began his speech with a verse from the glorious Qur'an: The disagreement between me and him does not make me split with him and approve what you say about him.". The appearance of the members of the delegation was modest. It became necessary to put the Shah in his place. Complete my Companions' return from Makkah to Madinah!" Hour after hour, I went to her asking whether I should bring her some food or something to drink but she persistently refused, insisting that she would neither eat nor drink until she died or I abandoned my religion. If I catch you, I will shed your blood like water.". When the basket was brought, he asked who the most prestigious person in the delegation was. The sword will be decisive between us and those who do not accept any of these offers.". He asked Sa'd to build a new city. Saad ibn Abī Waqqās (Arabic:سعد بن أبي وقاص‎) was an early convert to Islam in 610-11 and one of the important companions of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. asked Rustum. In this town lives a young man who has not yet seen twenty summers. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على أشرف الأنبياء However, he let Sa'd bequeath one-third of his wealth to the poor. In this town lives a young man who has not yet seen twenty summers. No doubt you see signs of richness and luxury, these lush carpets, fine curtains, gold embroidered walls, carpets of silk� Do you have any desire that we should bestow some of these riches which we have on you?". As he tried to flee, he was detected and slain. Saad Ibn Abi Waqqas (ra): His Prayers Always Answered | The Firsts Saad (ra) was a young man who saw a moon in his dream that brought him to the Messenger of Allah (saw). Sa’d. Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas (ra) struck one of the disbelievers with the jawbone of a camel and wounded him. Sa’d believed that everything that Allah preordained was good even if they seem ugly. ", "Allah Almighty’s ordainment for me is better for me than my eyesight.". Browse more videos. Sa'd's zealous struggle against the enemy, he gave the arrows he was holding to him and complimented him by saying. Bands of Mujahidin then converged on Madinah from every part of the Muslim domain. We are now in a small town in a narrow valley. [8]. Umar became very pleased when he heard this victory of Muslims'. We would provide you with provisions until you are sated. Sa'd (ra) is mainly renowned as the commander-in-chief of the strong Muslim army which 'Umar (ra) dispatched to confront the Persians at Qadisiyah. 'Umar (ra) himself thought of leading the army but 'Ali (ra) suggested that the Muslims were in great need of him and he should not endanger his life. Sa’d addressed the mujahids as follows: "If you work in the world with asceticism and taqwa and desire the happiness of the hereafter, Allah will give you happiness both in the world and hereafter. He did everything in accordance with the order of Allah. "Paradise for our martyrs and victory for those who live.". To urge him on, the Prophet (saw) said: Then, he pointed to the whip in the hands of the Muslims and asked: He received the answer "Sawt". However, his mother was disturbed because he became a Muslim, performed prayers, loved the Prophet and regarded his love as superior to everything. Soon after this incident, Hz. Your heart would be broken with grief for me and remorse would consume you on account of the deed which you have done and people would censure you forever more. Tak satupun dari perkataan beliau (SAW) yang terdengar cacat di telinganya. The Muslims won the war. Indeed to leave your heirs well-off is better than that you should leave them dependent on and to beg from people. [2] al-Isaba, 2: 290. However, it was useless. By Allah, if I had 100 lives and I lost them one by one, I would not abandon my religion. Best mosque. May Allah be pleased with him! Sa'd's eyes filled with tears. He caused great distress to the polytheists during the Battle of Badr. He advised us to regard those who reject Islam but accept to pay jizyah as people of dhimmah. If you spend anything seeking to gain thereby the pleasure of Allah (swt), you will be rewarded for it, even if it is a morsel that you place in your wife's mouth." There is no vegetation, no livestock, no gardens, no rivers. Umar then sent for Saad Ibn Malik Az-Zuhariy RA, also known as Saad Ibn Abi Waqas and appointed him governor of Iraq and Commander of the Army. 'Don't do (such a thing), my mother,' I said, 'for I would not give up my religion for anything.' Act together. He sent the treasure he obtained to Hz.Umar. Ye have (all) to return to Me, and I will tell you (the truth) of all that ye did.". The hafizes recited the chapter with their beautiful voices. "When she saw that I was determined, she relented unwillingly and ate and drank." The Prophet felt sorry about him. "Irmi Sa'd� Fidaka Abi wa Ummi - Shoot, Sa'd� may my mother and father be your ransom." Perhaps other young people of Makkah would follow his example, including some of his relations. The Prophet (saw) came to visit him and Sa'd (ra) said: "O Messenger of Allah. Rub'iy (ra) looked and listened unmoved and then said: "Listen, O commander! Then, she vowed by the name of idols: "O Sa'd! Somebody who visited him said to him: "You are a person whose prayer is accepted. Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas could not put up with it any more. Sa'd (ra) wrote to him about the unprecedented force that the Persians were mobilizing and 'Umar (ra) wrote to him: "Do not be troubled by what you hear about them nor about the (forces, equipment and methods) they would deploy against you. What you give away from your wealth is sadaqah. If he is lying, lengthen his life, increase his poverty and give him misfortunes.". His name is Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas. Sa'd (ra) is also known as the first companion to have shot an arrow in defense of Islam. Desert after desert separates the town from the rest of the world. After listening to the valuable advice of Hz. Hz. Therefore, I came here to protect you. 'Umar (ra) stood before the great army and bade farewell to them. He was blessed with much influence and wealth but as the time of death approached in the year 54 AH, he asked his son to open a box in which he had kept a coarse woolen jubbah and said: "Shroud me in this, for in this (jubbah) I met the Mushrikin on the day of Badr and in it I desire to meet Allah Almighty. He conquered many places. "O Messenger of Allah. After the incident, however, the Prophet (saw) enjoined his companions to be patient and forbearing for his was the command of Allah (swt): 'Umar (ra) sent dispatches to Muslim governors throughout the state to mobilize all able-bodied persons who had weapons or mounts, or who had talents of oratory and other skills to place at the service of the battle. It is up to you to eat or not to eat. Mālik b. Wuhayb (Arabic: سعد بن مالك بن وهيب ), known as Saʿd b. Abī Waqqāṣ ( سَعد بن أبي وَقّاص ), a companion of the Prophet (s) and one of commanders of the Islamic army in the battle with Iran. They told him that a delegation of Muslims had arrived. Patience teaches you to fear Allah. She knew the weakest point of Hz. They did not have weapons and their horses did not have saddles. He wished that the battle could be delayed a little or indeed that it might have been somewhat earlier. Be careful. Sa'd was a lucky person who attained the consent of Allah and the position of becoming one of His special slaves. 'Umar (ra) himself thought of leading the army but 'Ali (ra) suggested that the Muslims were in great need of him and he should not endanger his life. "Rub'iy! She came up to me and said: Before the army set off, Hz. The Muslims displayed valor and skill. Rustum of course was not inclined to listen to such talk from a seemingly wretched person the likes of whom the Persians regarded as barbaric and uncivilized and whom they had conquered and subjugated for centuries. They proceeded with a dignified attitude and a brave manner on the Iranian land. Therefore, people avoided his curse. kasim ünal October 19, 2014. And for a brief moment he thought, if only� but no! The mujahids looked forward to fighting and defeating the conceited Iranian army. Once, he had argued with Hz. Seek help with Allah (swt) and put your trust in Him and send men of insight, knowledge and toughness to him (the Chosroes) to invite to Allah (swt)� And write to me daily.". [8] Hayatu's-Sahaba, 1: 329. Eventually, Allah Almighty sent us a prophet. What do you see in this assembly of mine? Who is that ‘Lion’s Claws’? asked Rustum. The first Muslim delegation which included Nu'man ibn Muqarrin (ra) was ridiculed by the Persian Emperor, Yazdagird. Mufti Menk Reminders. Sa'd (ra) sent a delegation to Rustum, the commander of the Persian forces. There were seven hundred sons of the companions. ', 'Don't do (such a thing), my mother,' I said, 'for I would not give up my religion for anything.'. Sa`d RA menyimak semua perkataan beliau (SAW) dan tanpa disadarinya ia menangis. He spends much of his time making and repairing bows and arrows and practicing archery as if preparing himself for some great encounter. Sa'd loved the Messenger of Allah wholeheartedly and did his best to prevent him from being harmed. When the other Companions also took action, the polytheists started to run away. He did his best in order to spread Islam like the other Companions. Saad Ibn Abi Waqqas (RA) - His Prayers Always Answered. Saʿd was born in Mecca in 595. Rustum thus wanted to impress the Muslim and allure him from his purpose by this show of opulence and grandeur. Sa'd (ra) returned to Madinah alone for 'Umayr (ra) was one of the fourteen Muslim martyrs who fell in the battle. I congratulate you on your victory. Once, when the Prophet was sitting in the mosque, he prayed as follows: "O Allah! Against them the Persians had mobilized a force of over one hundred thousand men under the leadership of their most brilliant commander, Rustum. "O Lord, direct his shooting and respond to his prayer." He is very attached to his parents and is particularly fond of his mother. Yazdegerd interpreted a different meaning from it. Allah (swt) is their Lord and they are His servants seeking elevation through taqwa and seeking to obtain what is with Allah (swt) through obedience. It was reported with a good chain of transmission from Ibn Ishaq who said: The strongest Companions were four: `Umar ibn Al Khattab, Ali ibn Abu Talib, Az-Zubayr ibn Al `Awwam, and Sa`d ibn Abu Waqqas (may Allah be … Make yourself and the people under your command accustomed to doing good deeds. Allah Almighty does not obliterate evil with evil but he wipes out evil with good. He hit one of them on the head and made his head bleed. Allah eliminates a bad deed through a good deed, not through a bad deed. Facing them once again, he shouted the Muslim battle cry "Allahu Akbar" four times and directed the fighters to attack with the words: "Hayya 'ala barakatillah - Charge, with the blessings of Allah.". He appreciated it when Sa'd sent the rich treasures of the Shah of Iran to Madinah without losing any time. Against them the Persians had mobilized a force of over one hundred thousand men under the leadership of their most brilliant commander, Rustum. Who is there like Sa'd?" He told Sa'd not to feel sorry, that he will serve Islam a lot in the future and that many nations will accept Islam thanks to him. We would make you become rich and happy. "O Sa'd! The ferocious battle was only resolved when several renowned Muslim warriors made a rush in the direction of the Persian commander. Consider how the Messenger of Allah (saw) used to act with the Muslims and act accordingly�". He was blessed with much influence and wealth but as the time of death approached in the year 54 AH, he asked his son to open a box in which he had kept a coarse woolen jubbah and said: One of the ten Companions who were given the glad tidings of Paradise while they were alive is Hz. The Four Caliphs and the Companions who were promised Paradise. He was dying for fighting in the way of Allah. He lived until he was almost eighty years old. Discover Omar Suleiman Saad Ibn Abi Waqqas (RA) - His Prayers Always Answered. Look, Rub'iy! Sa'd put on his sword and went to the presence of the Messenger of Allah. By using this site, you agree to our Cookie Policy. After a while, the two armies confronted. This was the first bloodshed in the conflict between Islam and kufr - a conflict that was later to escalate and test the patience and courage of the Muslims. He was a great general who embraced Islam at the early age of 17 and he was one of the ten companions who were promised Paradise during their life time. Sa'd, when he was 13 or 14 years old. Therefore, Hz. For this reason he is sometimes referred to as Sa'd of Zuhrah, to distinguish him from several others whose first name was Sa'd. He remained impartial related to the incident between Hz. It was concerning Sa'd's relationship with his mother and her attempt to force him to recant his faith that these words of the Qur'an were revealed: After this victory, Muslims achieved great victories one after another. In pain upon pain did his mother bear him and his weaning took two years. He ordered us to inform people all over the world about this religion. Numan bin Muqarrin, the head of the delegation told him about the principles of Islam first. Read Urdu Islamic books and download Islamic material in PDF format. "And what is the promise of God to you?" ‘Umar ibn Sa‘ad (Arabic: عمر بن سعد ‎) (fl. So show gratitude to Me and to your parents. To the commander-in-chief, he said: "O Sa'd! The fact that he was one of the first persons to accept Islam was something that pleased him greatly. Nothing but honesty can save you. Saʿd's mother was Hamnah bint Sufyan ibn Umayya ibn Abd Shams ibn Abd Manaf. The Battle of Qadisiyah is one of the major decisive battles of world history. Yazdegerd, who did not accept peace and Islam, started to talk conceitedly and boastfully: "You forgot that you were the poorest and weakest nation. [4] Mustadrak, 3: 500. There is no knowledge except priestcraft and a love for elegant poetry. Complete confusion reigned among the Persians and they fled in disarray. More than a decade later when permission was given for the Muslims to fight, Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas (ra) was to play a distinguished role in many of the engagements that took place both during the time of the Prophet (saw) and after. Complete confusion reigned among the Persians and they fled in disarray. In the end, he became victorious. Do not abandon patience when some troubles and misfortunes hit you. Hz. To confront the numerous and well-equipped Persians was a most daunting task. Indeed, Hz. Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās stepped into this world in Mecca in the hands of Abu Waqqas Malik ibn Uhayb ibn Abd Manaf ibn Zuhrah from the Banu Zuhrah clan and Hamnah bint Sufyan ibn Umayya ibn Abd Shams ibn Abd Manaf.he had around 40 children and prominent among them were – his sons Umar and Aamir and his daughter A’isha. Molana tariq Jamil Sahib Saad-Bin-Abi-Waqas-RA. He summoned all of the commanders at once and consulted them. They started to make fun of them and say that their worship was useless. But one day a number of idolaters came upon them while they were praying and rudely interrupted them with indignities passively and they came to blows with the idolaters. Then, she sat behind the idol. If he is harmed, he shows patience and there is good for him. [5] Tabaqat, 3: 144; Muslim, Wasaya: 8; Musnad, 1: 168. He sent somebody to inspect the issue. Playing next. For four days the battle raged. The Muslims displayed valor and skill. The Messenger of Allah (saw) had taught the Muslims that none of them should say, "If�" To say "If�" implied a lack of will and determination and wishing that a situation might have been different was not the characteristic of a firm believer. Many of them attained the rank of martyrdom. He was the great companion and a relative of Hazrat Muhammad PBUH (Prophet of Islam). I have a lot of wealth. Sa’d was a good administrator. Yet bear them company in this life with justice and consideration and follow the way of those who turn to Me. Just as he was known for his bravery, so he was known for his generosity. "Then, (shall I give) a half?" Umar about the victory at once. Sa'd (ra) was then chosen as commander and 'Abdur-Rahman ibn 'Awf (ra), one of the veterans among the Sahabah, said: "You have chosen well! Read Islamic articles about سعد بن ابی وقاص رضی اللہ عنہ and other important Islamic articles about Quran, Hadees, Namaz, Ramadan and more. Sa`d ibn Malik ibn Abu Waqqas (may Allah be pleased with him) was one of brave knights who used to guard the Prophet (peace be upon him) and stuck to him during his travel and staying. He was suffering from sciatica and he could not even sit upright for the pain. Sa'd (ra) was one of those who fought vigorously in defense of the Prophet (saw) after some Muslims had deserted their positions. People compare him to a young lion. SA' AD BIN ABI WAQAS IN URDU Audio Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. At the Battle of Uhud, Sa'd (ra) was specially chosen as one of the best archers together with Zayd, Sa'ib the son of 'Uthman ibn Maz'un (ra) and others. Thus, Hz. Sa'd' brother, who was a polytheist, wounded the Prophet's face in the Battle of Uhud. Sa'd, who served the Prophet until he died and who never left him alone, became very sad when the Prophet died. He is short and well-built and has a very heavy crop of hair. As you see, my illness got worse. Sa'd (ra) was one of those who fought vigorously in defense of the Prophet (saw) after some Muslims had deserted their positions. Hz. Their horses tromped the Sasanid land. He would not consent to anybody being backbited in his presence; he would silence anybody who tried to do so. During the first days after the Migration, the Jews of Madinah might have wanted to kill the Prophet. He was seventeen years old when he accepted Islam. How come you make us this offer?". For this reason he is sometimes referred to as Sa'd of Zuhrah, to distinguish him from several others whose first name was Sa'd. Sa'd, Said bin Zayd (r.a.), Khabbab bin Arat and Ammar bin Yasir went to Abu Lub Valley in order to worship. After a tiring journey, they arrived in Iran. 1) Abybakr(ra) 2) Omar(ra) 3)Othman(ra) 4)Ali(ra) 5)Talha(ra) 6)Zoubayr(ra) 7)Abdurrahman ibn Aouf(ra) 8)Sa'ad ibn Abi Waqas(ra) 9)Sa'eed ibn Zaid(ra) 10)Abu Obayda ibn Al-Jarrah(ra) Note: he doesn't have saad bin maalik, but he has Abu Ubaydah ibn Jarra7,,,which we know is one of the ten mubashireen. Just how ferocious the battle was can be imagined when it is known that some thirty thousand persons on both sides fell in the course of four days' fighting. He suffered a lot of misfortunes. At the Battle of Uhud, Sa'd (ra) was specially chosen as one of the best archers together with Zayd, Sa'ib the son of 'Uthman ibn Maz'un (ra) and others. The people around the Shah got tired of these bad interpretations and ominous meanings. There is no religion to guide people except one which promotes the worship of stone idols. Not only his mother but also all of the polytheists opposed Hz. Hz. He interpreted this word as Muslims would conquer the whole world. In spite of my strong love for you, my love for Allah (swt) and His Messenger (saw) is indeed stronger. [7]. Cii Radio. 'Umar (ra) thus made it clear that the army was not to seek conquest for the sake of it and that the expedition was not for seeking personal glory and fame. During the Farewell Pilgrimage with the Prophet (saw), he fell ill. She did not eat or drink anything for a few days. Sa'd (ra) was excited and overwhelmed and responded readily to the invitation to truth and the religion of One God. The Prophet (saw) came to visit him and Sa'd (ra) said: The fact that he was still in his youth promised great things to come. In the sight of Allah (swt), all people whether noblemen or commoners are the same. The most powerful force had to be mustered. Hz. Is sealed the fate of the Sasanian Empire just as the Battle of Yarmuk had sealed the fate of the Byzantine Empire in the west. They told you what was necessary but there are a few more things that need to be uttered. However, they could not dare to object to the Shah. Sa'd's brother, Amir, also became a Muslim. It was late afternoon by this time and the Prophet (saw) had just prayed Salat al-'Asr. By Allah, if you had a thousand souls and one soul after another were to depart, I would not abandon this my religion for anything.' Hz. For four days the battle raged. Sa'd (ra) returned to Madinah alone for 'Umayr (ra) was one of the fourteen Muslim martyrs who fell in the battle. The taking of Ctesiphon was accomplished after a brilliant crossing of the Tigris River while it was in flood. Molana tariq Jamil Sahib Saad-Bin-Abi-Waqas-RA Watch only on Exclusive Videos. Sa'd got furious. Hazrat Saad Ibn Abi Waqas (RA): Conqueror of Iran Greater Kashmir | Hazrat Saad Ibn Abi Waqas (RA) was the maternal uncle of the Prophet (AS) one of the most eminent of Suhaba . "The third is much. What do you want from us? Fear of Allah is mainly in two things: Obeying Allah and avoiding sins. Among them were the four great Caliphs: Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali—but who was Saad ibn Abi Waqqas? By then he had recovered his health. Muslim Hero Tomb: Saad bin Abi Waqas (R.A) Mosque & Tomb - See 40 traveler reviews, 79 candid photos, and great deals for Guangzhou, China, at Tripadvisor. Allah is their Lord; they are Allah's slaves. To the commander-in-chief, he said: He finds no satisfaction in the religion and way of life of his people, their corrupt beliefs and disagreeable practices.

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