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This strategy ended up in the creation of 'Khorasan' a group which never existed in any form beyond the statements of US officials. Although Transoxiana was included in the loosely defined "Turkestan" region, only the ruling elite of Transoxiana was partially of Turkic origins whereas the local population … [29] United States Central Command, the U.S. Department of Defense military command responsible for operations in Syria and Iraq, described the Khorasan Group name in a 6 November 2014 press release as: "a term used to refer to a network of Nusrah Front and al-Qa'ida core extremists who share a history of training operatives, facilitating fighters and money, and planning attacks against U.S. and Western targets. monococcum (domesticated). [54][55] The training camp had been run by both Jabhat Fateh al-Sham and al-Zenki, and had been operational since 2013. It is also the flag of the Islamic State. Drugeon was said to be badly wounded, and was recuperating in a Khorasan-operated hospital. [24], On 18 October 2015, it was reported that Sanafi al-Nasr, the new leader of the Khorasan group, was killed in a US airstrike on 15 October 2015. [35], The group was initially reported to pose an "imminent" threat to the United States, with reports of potential plots involving "a bomb made of a nonmetallic device like a toothpaste container or clothes dipped in explosive material". Burial Cultures of Khorasan in Late Bronze Age Hassan Basafa1 Received: 2016/5/23 Accepted: 2017/5/6 Abstract The burial process of the deceased is among the most tangible evidence for reconstruction and understanding the culture of human societies, which includes both material and spiritual dimensions. Khorasan wheat is used similarly as modern wheat. Since then the city has walked through much laughter, tears and flames. [24], On 15 October 2015, a Coalition airstrike in northwest Syria killed Abdul Mohsen Adballah Ibrahim al Charekh (a.k.a. Bombing It in Syria? Still a province in the North East of the Iran is named as Khorasan. It is an ancient dish derived from Levantine and North African cuisines, remaining popular in many countries of the eastern Mediterranean Basin where durum wheat originated. "[citation needed], A 23 September 2014 article by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace stated that "the sudden flurry of revelations about the 'Khorasan Group' in the past two weeks smacks of strategic leaks and political spin". Die von der Mutterorganisation al-Qaida benutzte Schahāda vor schwarzem Hintergrund. Whereas common bread wheat is hexaploid, Khorasan wheat is tetraploid. When prayer ends, Haji Masjidi Nuri steps outside. The wild plant is called Triticum turgidum subsp. The disease is often associated with contamination by mycotoxins produced by the fungi already when the crop is growing in the field. The Kazakh and Chechen field commanders of the unit, along with Burmese and Saudi jihadists, were among the dead. [51], On 3 October, a US airstrike killed senior al-Qaeda member Abu Faraj al-Masri, who was a senior commander in Jabhat Fateh al-Sham (al-Nusra's rebranded name at the time), in the Idlib Province. While oats are suitable for human consumption as oatmeal and oat milk, one of the most common uses is as livestock feed. Apart from its nutritional qualities, Khorasan wheat is recognized for its smooth texture and nutty, buttery flavor. A. triticina is responsible for the largest leaf blight issue in wheat and also causes disease in other major cereal grain crops. Shah Rukh is old, however, and his once firm grip over every affair in the empire is a thing of the past. [22] After the death of Muhsin al-Fadli, FBI Director James Comey stated that Khorasan had become "diminished", and that ISIL was now a bigger threat to the US than al-Qaeda or the Khorasan group. Triticeae is a botanical tribe within the subfamily Pooideae of grasses that includes genera with many domesticated species. [ citation needed ] However, in normal or wet years, it yields approximately 1/3 less than the durum wheat. The kingdom of Khorasan, the courts, supporting characters, culture, everything that frames the story is what lifts it beyond the realms of just another YA story. The Tears of Khorassan 1. [53], On 12 January 2017, a US airstrike near Saraqib killed al-Nusra leaders Abd al-Jalil al-Muslimi, Abu Amas al-Masri, and Abu Ikrimah al-Tunsi, along with 10 or 15 other al-Nusra fighters. The historical region extended, along the north, from the Amu Darya (Oxus River) westward to the Caspian Sea and, along the south, from the fringes of Botanically, the wheat kernel is a type of fruit called a caryopsis. Among the world's cultivated species, this tribe has some of the most complex genetic histories. Semolina is the coarse, purified wheat middlings of durum wheat mainly used in making couscous, pasta, upma, and sweet puddings. Wheat is a grass widely cultivated for its seed, a cereal grain which is a worldwide staple food. The term semolina is also used to designate coarse middlings from other varieties of wheat, and sometimes other grains as well. Einkorn wheat can refer either to the wild species of wheat, Triticum boeoticum, or to the domesticated form, Triticum monococcum. [41] It was later announced that the Khorasan's chief bombmaker David Drugeon was believed to have been killed in the attack,[42] but later reports indicated he was only wounded. He had been dispatched to Syria by al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, and was nested in the Khorasan group. [9] To do further breeding with this tetraploid Khorasan wheat, the genetic pool to use is a little bit limited to the tetraploid subspecies of triticum turgidum such as durum (subsp. [2] It is an ancient grain type; Khorasan refers to a historical region in modern-day Afghanistan and Iran in northeast and parts of Central Asia. The disease is caused by a fungal pathogen and causes necrotic leaf lesions and in severe cases shriveled. [46], On 1 December 2014, the US carried out another airstrike on Khorasan near Aleppo. The defectors included members of the group's central council, judicial council, and prisoners council, as well as several field commanders and their fighters. [12]. Archeological evidence suggests that the crop was first domesticated before 10,000 BCE in Northern China. ", "What Is the "Khorasan Group" and Why Is the U.S. About 95% of wheat produced worldwide is common wheat; it is the most widely grown of all crops and the cereal with the highest monetary yield. [50] Later in the same week, a second airstrike killed several Khorasan militants, including Rifai Ahmed Taha Musa, who attempted to unite Ahrar ash-Sham with al-Nusra Front in January 2016. It is used in soups and stews, and in barley bread of various cultures. Thinking of post-harvest treatments, the special physical properties of the Khorasan grain may cause difficulties (literature on that topic is still scarce). [20] The al-Nusra Front had received specific orders since at least early 2015 from al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri to cease any activities related to attacking Western targets. Khorasan wheat or Oriental wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. But, because breeding efforts for Khorasan wheat have been very sparse (see chapter below), the adaptation to other climatic conditions is still limited. Its grains can be consumed whole, or milled into flour. Around this time, the US significantly increased the number of its airstrikes against al-Nusra Front and other al-Qaeda-affiliated targets. [8] It is also probably cultivated in small acreage and for personal use in some other regions of the Middle East. This army will conquer several occupied lands of Muslims till it reaches to Jerusalem. The oat, sometimes called the common oat, is a species of cereal grain grown for its seed, which is known by the same name. But contrary to common wheat, the seeds of Khorasan wheat are very brittle and crack in half very easily, which leads to a necessarily more gentle harvest and post-harvest treatment. [2]. Later Tughril of the famous Seljuk Dynasty made Neyshabur the capital of his empire in 1037. It can be found in breads, bread mixes, breakfast cereals, cookies, waffles, pancakes, bulgur, baked goods, pastas, drinks, beer, and snacks. At an intelligence gathering in Washington, D.C. on 18 September 2014, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper stated that "in terms of threat to the homeland, Khorasan may pose as much of a danger as ISIS. Information on the cultivation and uses of wheat is at the main wheat page. The principal difference between the wild and the domestic is that the ripened seed head of the wild plant shatters and scatters the seed onto the ground, while in the domesticated emmer the seed head remains intact, thus making it easier for humans to harvest the grain. The exact origin of Khorasan wheat remains unknown. Besides this, it was also tied to one of Wang Chong's even greater plans. Recent genetic evidence from DNA fingerprinting suggests that the variety is perhaps derived from a natural hybrid between T. durum and T. polonicum , which would explain past difficulties in arriving at a certain classification. x 10ft.2in. The wild and domesticated forms are either considered separate species, as here, or as subspecies: Triticum monococcum subsp. [5][6][56] The US airstrike also killed another Tahrir al-Sham militant, who was traveling in the same car. The appearance of Daesh (also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, ISIS or IS) in what it calls ‘Khorasan’ (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Central Asia and Iran) was first reported in the late summer of 2014. As Khorasan wheat is an ancient cereal species, the climatic requirements still correspond very well with its region of origin—i.e., the fertile crescent in the Middle East. [16][31] The group is believed to be made up of "al-Qaeda core" members, meaning the high-ranking members of al-Qaeda who moved to Pakistan following the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan. He was formerly al-Qaeda's chief financial officer, and he was also said to have been the 5th Khorasan senior leader killed by US airstrikes in the last 4 months. [4]. Triticale is a hybrid of wheat (Triticum) and rye (Secale) first bred in laboratories during the late 19th century in Scotland and Germany. [34], There are indications that some members of the Khorasan Group (including Abu Yusuf Al-Turki) were part of an elite sniper subunit of the al-Nusra Front that was known as the "Wolf Group". [47] On 10 December, the CIA stated that both Muhsin al-Fadhli and David Drugeon, who were both thought dead after US airstrikes, were still alive. [45], On 19 November, the US launched another airstrike on Khorasan near Harim, Syria, which struck and destroyed a storage facility associated with the group. [12] Depending on the specific production setting, Khorasan production after maize or other cereals should be avoided. It is the predominant wheat that grows in the Middle East. Description: According to the prophecies of prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), a non-stop army will rise from the land of Khorasan holding Black Flags of Islam in the end times. A KHORASAN CARPET FRAGMENT NORTH EAST PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Uneven overall wear, reduced along its length, a few repaired tears, scattered repiling, some short tears, ends a little chewed 15ft.10in. [ citation needed ] In drier years, Khorasan wheat can sometimes yield even more than durum wheat. Heute stammt KAMUT® khorasan Weizen aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau und erfreut sich wegen seiner hervorragenden Backeigenschaften steigender Beliebtheit. [17] By early November 2014, the term had disappeared from political rhetoric. The region was conquered by the Arabs in the mid-seventh century and after the dissolution of the Arab Caliphate was ruled from the ninth to the early 16th century successively by the Taharids, Saffarids, Samanids, Ghaznavids, Seljuks, and Khwarazm-Shahs. Typical robust rotations would contain some of the following crops: canola, sunflower, pulses, sorghum and pasture legumes. Common wheat, also known as bread wheat, is a cultivated wheat species. The administration of Khorasan not only determined whether this city would be kept or lost, but also whether the Great Tang could suppress the powerful foe that was Arabia. the second problem was As a corollary to the Muslim conquest of Persia, the Muslims became neighbors of the city states of Transoxiana. This came after an marked increase in US airstrikes on al-Nusra Front beginning in January 2017, at which time the US reportedly dropped the "Khorasan group" label and began referring to all al-Qaeda linked targeted as simply "al-Qaeda".[28]. [36] On 5 October 2014, FBI director James Comey stated, "I can't sit here and tell you whether their plan is tomorrow or three weeks or three months from now", but that "we have to act as if it's coming tomorrow. The domestic form is known as "petit épeautre" in French, "Einkorn" in German, "einkorn" or "littlespelt" in English, "piccolo farro" in Italian and "escanda menor" in Spanish. On 19 January, a US airstrike struck the al-Qaeda Shaykh Sulayman training camp near the town of Darat Izza, killing 110 Jabhat Fateh al-Sham (al-Nusra) fighters. The pathogen is responsible for billions of dollars in economic losses worldwide each year. The domesticated types are Triticum turgidum subsp. Cereal grain crops are grown in greater quantities and provide more food energy worldwide than any other type of crop and are therefore staple crops. [37] The article also stated that "Whatever one decides to call it, this is not likely to be an independent organization, but rather a network-within-the-network, assigned to deal with specific tasks. The name refers to the fact that each spikelet contains only one grain. On 26 February, a US airstrike in Al-Mastoumeh, Idlib Province, killed Abu Khayr al-Masri, who was the deputy leader of al-Qaeda. It was developed by artificial selection of the domesticated emmer wheat strains formerly grown in Central Europe and the Near East around 7000 BC, which developed a naked, free-threshing form. “During the past 24 hours we have seen the number of people being hospitalized double,” said the Covid-1 Task Force chair of Kermanshah Medical Sciences University on Sunday, according to the semi-official ISNA news agency. Described by John Percival in 1921, [6] this ancient grain probably originates from the Fertile Crescent and derives its common name from the historical province of Khorasan which included a large portion of northeastern Iran into Afghanistan and Central Asia to the river Oxus. ", "Nusra leader: Our mission is to defeat Syrian regime", "An Internal Struggle: Al Qaeda's Syrian Affiliate Is Grappling With Its Identity", "Senior al-Qaida figure, Muhsin al-Fadhli, killed in US air strike in Syria, officials say", "French jihadist Drugeon killed in Syria: US official", "James Comey says Khorasan Group diminished". The name signifies "the Land of the Sun" or "the Eastern Province". The Americans came up with it to deceive the public". INTRODUCTION. The traditional aim of plant breeding is to improve the agronomic or nutritional qualities of a crop. Some Turkish scientists have suggested that it originated in Anatolia. turanicum also called Triticum turanicum), commercially known as kamut, is a tetraploid wheat species. By capturing this niche market, Khorasan wheat counterbalances its weak agronomic traits. The name "proso millet" comes from the pan-Slavic general and generic name for millet. The range of diseases in Khorasan wheat is more or less the same as in all other wheat species. [26], Beginning in January 2017, it was reported that the US no longer referred to Khorasan fighters specifically, and that US officials no longer attempted to distinguish between Khorasan and al-Nusra Front militants, instead, labeling them all collectively as "al-Qaeda". Suleiman awaits the arrival of his Grand Vizier Pargalı Ibrahim Pasha at Buda, 1529. Only recently has it been developed into a commercially viable crop. Spelt, also known as dinkel wheat or hulled wheat, is a species of wheat that has been cultivated since approximately 5000 BC. [55] Following this airstrike, Jabhat Fateh al-Sham openly engaged in armed clashes with Ahrar al-Sham and other Free Syrian Army groups. boeoticum (wild) and T. monococcum subsp. This article explains how genetic and morphological characteristics of wheat influence its classification, and gives the most common botanical names of wheat in current use. Khorasan wheat is grown in Europe mainly for bread, and in the Iranian province of Khorasan as food for camels. [2]. [9] The attacks were ineffective and killed only one or two militants, largely because the members of the group had been warned in advance. He also alleged that "there is nothing called [the] Khorasan group. [36], Later statements by officials indicated that "there were no known targets or attacks expected in the next few weeks" at the time the US began bombing in Syria. dicoccoides. Major crop genera found in this tribe include wheat, barley, and rye; crops in other genera include some for human consumption, and others used for animal feed or rangeland protection. 1.1–1.3 tonnes per hectare (980–1,160 pounds per acre), Kneipp J. The detail in the book is so rich, so vivid and so gorgeously imagined that you can practically touch the silks and gemstones of the clothes and taste the spice and flower blossom in the air. Then it will pledge its allegiance to Imam al Mahdi (alyhe salam). Visit the Tomb of Ferdowsi in Tus and Radkan Tower in Radkan. FEB is caused by a range of Fusarium fungi, which infects the heads of the crop, reducing grain yield. Most of the known wheat species today are polyploid. Khorasan wheat has been found very susceptible to Fusarium head blight. [44], On 18 November, the Syrian Army ambushed a group of Khorasan militants in the countryside of Latakia in a separate operation. [20], On 23 September 2014, United States Central Command stated that they had conducted eight air strikes against the group's training camps, command and control facilities, and other sites in the area west of Aleppo, Syria. [5]. As a rule, triticale combines the yield potential and grain quality of wheat with the disease and environmental tolerance of rye. The many species of wheat together make up the genus Triticum; the most widely grown is common wheat. [33], According to US officials, the organization is led by Mohammed Islambouli, whose brother Khalid Islambouli assassinated Egyptian President Anwar Sadat in 1981. [2] It is an ancient grain type; Khorasan refers to a historical region in modern-day Iran in the northeast. The Khorasan group, sometimes known simply as Khorasan, is an alleged group of senior al-Qaeda members operating in Syria. Khorasan, also known as the Khorasan Group, refers to a group of senior al-Qaeda members who operate in Syria. Now, within a timeframe of just days, the Islamic State has been sidelined by a new name in the world of Islamic extremism: "Khorasan." You are here. [52] On 17 October, another US airstrike near Idlib city killed Haydar Kirkan, who was a senior al-Nusra member in charge of facilitating al-Qaeda's external network and planning external attacks from Syria. turgidum) wheat. These toxins cause vomiting, liver damage, and reproductive defects in livestock, and are harmful to humans through contaminated food. [27][28], Khorasan is a historical term for a region corresponding to parts of Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, and Iran. [3] He was also in charge of Khorasan's external operations. Like emmer, durum wheat is awned. Emmer wheat or hulled wheat is a type of awned wheat. The crop is notable both for its extremely short lifespan, with some varieties producing grain only 60 days after planting, and its low water requirements, producing grain more efficiently per unit of moisture than any other grain species tested. Sanafi al-Nasr), who was then the highest ranking leader of the Khorasan group. Some Nour al-Din al-Zenki fighters were also killed in the attack. Chorasan (persisch خراسان Chorāsān, DMG Ḫurāsān, manchmal auch Chorassan, im Englischen meist Khorassan oder Khorasan geschrieben), mit nördlicheren Regionen zusammengefasst als Chorasan und Mā warā an-nahr (arabisch-persisch خراسان و ما وراء النهر, DMG Ḫurāsān wa Mā warāʾ an-nahr),[1] ist eine historische Region in Zentralasien im Gebiet der heutigen Staaten Afghanistan, Iran, Tadschikistan, Usbekistan und Turkmenistan. [22][23] After their deaths, FBI Director James Comey stated that the Khorasan group had become diminished, and that ISIL was now a bigger threat to the US.

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